Upon our return, Tanner and Oliver watched carefully as I filled the vegetable bins with fresh produce and delicious, organic, grain-fed meats. After all, we're going to need lots of healthy food to fuel our new, more interesting walks.
Below is our plan. Will you share some of your resolutions for 2015 at the comment link below. We'd love to see what each of you are planning that includes your dogs. Let me guess, and I'll include some links to tips with my guesses here: training, swimming or drown-proofing, doga, agility, hiking, fetch, dog park visits, regular walks, camping? Do tell!
Here's my 2015 walking variations plan. Besides the usual neighborhood walks, I'm vowing to add more variety into our daily walks by adding:
- nearby neighborhoods that are less frequently explored,
- walking to area errands with Oliver, who is certified to join me inside businesses,
- walking errands that can include Tanner are the post office, visiting friends and my mom, which of course means a play date with Jacque, as well. I'll be working on ideas to expand this list. Tanner loves visiting bank drive throughs, but we can't do this on foot. Ideas?
- community and county walking paths,
- on-leash park walks,
- mall walking with Oliver is always a pleasure,
- shopping center covered sidewalk strolls during hot Summer days,
- multiple laps inside our local pet super stores (perfect on rainy days),
- more hiking at state parks and other natural areas,
- and more ideas to come. What are your creative ways to vary your walks?

Happy New Year,

PS-I'm proud to announce that 2015 is off to a good start on this new resolution. We've taken a walk around the perimeter of a beautiful, nearby lake, and walked to a convenience store errand just yesterday. Today we're headed to a pet superstore for some socialization along with a few laps around the shopping center. I'm pleased to report that Tanner and Oliver love this new plan. :)

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