The puppy pack entries seem to have just flown by. I really enjoyed the tips our readers have left for fostering dogs and for adopting a new family member. Thanks for everyone who participated in this activity. Your tips were terrific! So good, in fact, that I'd like to share a few of the gems:
- My favorite tip for acclimating a new pet to your home is to use the scents of security blanket, by RitaMeow.
- Pay attention to your puppy's nuances, by Jaime Leigh Martin.
- Give puppy time to acclimate! Patience is key. Remember that the environment is filled with new sights, sounds, smells, from Carly Smith.
- Teach your dog that you will be coming back by leaving for only short times at first and build up to longer times, from Bunniker.
I've collected three packages of goodies for three lucky adoptive puppies. There are treats for training, leashes, harnesses and pee pads. A New Beginning will be so thrilled to see us again. They were very excited to receive the new dog crate we delivered on June 22 on behalf of an anonymous winner. We have very generous readers!
Todays 3 winners are Abby C. Samantha D. and Michelle C. I'll be in touch via Please watch your inbox and your spam file for my message. Thank you again to everyone who joined in entering to win these donated materials for a new adoptive family. I know the new pet parents will be grateful.
Watch for our next #PetCharityDonation event, coming soon: Treats, treats and more treats!
Thanks much,

Badge artwork courtesy Peter Mooney via
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