Toys, Toy and More Toys! |
Happy New Year from All Things Dog Blog and Petco, one of our favorite partners. Petco has made an amazing assortment of holiday toys and fashions available to us for giveaway--so many that I was unable to complete the giveaway before the holiday.
Today's announcement includes winners who Tweeted and/or commented at our giveaway post, earning them a spot in the drawing. Even better, I have a surprise for you all. In addition to the 10 items I promised to give away, I found more. I've drawn 4 additional names to make sure all the prizes find homes.
The extras include a snowman jacket, sweater bandanas, toys and a collar. That's 14 pups that will receive a package from All Things Dog Blog. Are you happy about that? If so, please Tweet your love:
Thanks to @Petco & @AllThingsDog for the #FidosWishList #giveaway.We enjoyed participating!
— Carrie Boyko (@AllThingsDog) January 2, 2014

Anita said...
always nice to see your kids :)
Laika said...
Love all your toys. Wish they where mine. Wags from Laika.
Unknown said...
Jenna and Mark!!! Hey that's meeee!!!!!!!! I actually won something???? Woohoo!
Awesome awesome! Thanks so much! Can't wait to find out what it is!!!
((Husky hugz))
"Love is being owned by a husky"
My email in case I haven't left it before is
Jan K said...
Congratulations to the winners! What an awesome giveaway!
Nature by Dawn said...
Cool! We had a great experience at Petco this past December. So which Dawn is the winner. Is it me? Is it me? Anxiously checking my emails. :)
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Hello all! I'm nursing a few sickly beings here....emails delayed. Please email me with your mailing address and dog's breed or weight. Thanks for your patience as I play nurse for a couple of days.
Amy Orvin said...
Thank you Carrie! My doggies will be so happy when they receive your package for the small jacket and toy. Yay! I am so glad I won for them.
H a p p y N e w Y e a r !!!
Cath said...
WooHoo! We are so excited to win and will be looking forward to the package!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Cat and Jozi
evie said...
my 3 girls loved the toys.....i puit them on a chair and they cimbed up to get them all. dont know how long they will last w/ the baby, harley, she just ripped apart a tuffy toy
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