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Meet Duke Can You Guess His Breed Makeup? |
If you look more closely you'll probably have your own opinion quite quickly, especially if you view the dogs at the link above. However, watching the video in my Wisdom Panel review at this link will help you realize that your dog can have DNA imprints that do not appear on the outside. Duke, too, carries secrets that I would not have guessed. I'll share his actual breed makeup when I announce the winners to this giveaway. For now, enjoy the process and be sure to offer your own ideas on this question.
The Wisdom Panel 2.0 will figure out if your dog is pure or mixed and let you know what his heritage is. This test covers all AKC breeds and offers a huge amount of information on his healthy, appearance, breed characteristics and more. The report itself is about 11 pages long and contains a ton of information to help most any owner better understand their dog and what to expect as he matures and ages. Further, behavioral expectations can be formed from the breed profile offered. This can be quite helpful when you suddenly find out you have a Retriever in your Pomeranian Mix, ya know?!!!
You can enter below to win a Wisdom Panel 2.0 kit to test your own dog. The Rafflecopter widget will offer you a variety of different methods of entry. Feel free to use only those methods which you enjoy and wish to participate in. And if you find the Rafflecopter widget is missing in action, simply click on the post title to refresh and it will reappear. I think it takes a nap out of sight to get out of work sometimes!
Prefer the sure thing to a giveaway? No problem. You can purchase your test kit at the Wisdom Panel 2.0 link above.There are 3 variations of the product to offer you the best information for your needs. Choose the professional version if you want to look for genetic health conditions and nutritional needs in your pure breed dog. The Optimal Selection version is for breeders seeking to make the best breeding choices for healthier puppies. The 2.0 version is for most of the rest of us who simply wish to learn more about where our dog came from and why he does the curious things he does. That makes Wisdom Panel a great way to enjoy getting to know your dog!

Jenna Z said...
Pretty sure Duke is Lab-American Foxhound mix, maybe some coonhound like Treeing Walker in there too.
Jenna Z said...
We THINK Taco is Chocolate Lab-pit (staffy) mix but he could also have a bit of some smaller breed like spaniel or maybe Rhodesian ridgeback in him.
Anonymous said...
Hmmm….I'm going with Foxhound, Pointer, and Labrador Retriever.
Anonymous said...
My sister has a dog that just appeared on our doorstep. He's precious, but we haven't a clue as to what he is. Now that he's been with us for almost two years, I think it's time we find out what he is!
shilohsmom said...
I would love to know exactly what Shiloh is. He came from a shelter, and was believed to be a Collie/Finnish Spitz mix. I'm pretty sure the Collie part is correct. He has the looks and personality of a Collie. When he was young, his face looked like a Finnish Spitz, but now that he's older, I'm not sure about that part, but I do believe there is some kind of spitz breed in him. I wouldn't be surprised to find Husky and Golden Retriever in him.
Unknown said...
Beagle, Bloodhound, Lab.
Unknown said...
Faolan is who I would test. He is a wolfy little guy, weighing about 70 lbs. I think he may have some Siberian Husky, GSD, Collie, and perhaps a smidge of sighthound in him.
Unknown said...
Foxhound or mix of a foxhound and a beagle?
Anonymous said...
I'm curious to see what his real makeup is! We also have a mixed breed named Duke. If I had to guess about your Duke I would say some Lab, maybe some beagle or foxhound?
Anonymous said...
I would love to test our Duke! We think he is a Boston Terrier/Boxer mix, but several people have suggested he may have some Pitt in him, so I'd love to see if he does!
Linda Szymoniak said...
I have five Treeing Walker Coonhounds, but only three appear to be all or mostly one breed. My Seiji is definitely hound, but I know he has something else - perhaps more than one other breed - in him. I've had someone suggest Greyhound, and I can actually see that - a bit. However, his fur is a bit longer, and his markings have the type of edges to them that you see in breeds like Brittany or English Spaniels. He'd be the first I'd want to test. After that it would be my deaf girl, Ran (pronounced more like the name Ron - it's a Japanese girls name that means "orchid"). She definitely has some Walker in her, but I think she has some other hound (possibly Redbone). Not that it really matters to me because I couldn't love them more, and knowing what breeds they might have in them won't change that, but it would be fun to find out.
Unknown said...
Oshunta's dad and mom are also our dogs. We lost her mom Kita but still have Kota her dad so this way we can get all their breeds if we test Oshunta.
bichonpawz said...
Hi Carrie....we are your newest followers on Pinterest! Looks like you enjoy it as much as I do!! Let's see...if we have to guess the breeds...I'd say Labrador Retriever, some kind of hound and maybe Beagle?
Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug
Unknown said...
I think he might be a beagle and a lab.
Unknown said...
I think Sissy is a corgi and a cocker spaniel mix. She has the ears, and fur of a cocker spaniel ad the short stubby body of the corgi. Where she gets the tail from is beyond me.
Christine Aiello said...
I say beagle and lab
Christine Aiello said...
My dog is supposed to be a purebreed cocker spaniel but sometimes I thinks she has some poodle in her and everyone that sees her thinks she is a cockerpoo.
Megan Smith said...
Perhaps Beagle and Rottie?
Thank you for your post on DNA testing. As a breeder, the health of my puppies is my highest priority. I have always wished for a way to discover a dog's health strengths and weaknesses before adding her (or him) to my breeding stock. I do all the recommended health testing prior to breeding, but by that time I have owned the dog for 2(+) years and am quite invested emotionally as well as financially. It would be so handy for me to be able to test for health issues before purchasing a puppy.
Do you think the Optimal Selection version would work for this application? Or is it more for choosing the best pairings?
Billie Wilson said...
I checked out your pinterest page and followed you!
Billie Wilson said...
Our dog's name is Linda (leen-duh). She is a small dog and we are guessing she is some sort of Chihuahua. We were thinking maybe Chiweenie. But now that she is reaching the one year mark she doesn't really fit the characteristics of that breed. I would love to find out what she really is! What a great giveaway.
Dawn said...
The suspense is killing me! I'm interested in seeing the results. I've noticed with some test results people have published about their dogs, the results did not pick up newer breeds. It often broke down the breed mix into the older breeds the newer breed was derived from. For example, someone had a dog they knew for certain was half Boxer. But the test result showed no sign of Boxer. Instead, it pointed to Mastiffs and other breeds. This is because the Boxer was bred from Mastiffs. If the mix for Duke is a Treeing Walker Coonhound, the test results might show a Foxhound instead since this is the breed the Coonhound was bred from.
lennyg said...
Lab, beagle, foxhound
lennyg said...
We think Tiki is all Shih Tzu. Her appearance changes a.lot thoughbwhen she is groomed.
Anonymous said...
Lab, beagle, and foxhound would be my guesses!
Anonymous said...
Neal Trautloff said...
I'm going with Lab, beagle, foxhound
Anonymous said...
Neal Trautloff said...
All I know is my dog Killer, is a Chihuahua mix. She's larger than most Chihuahua's though so maybe she's mixed with wolf!
Unknown said...
German Shepherd, Labrador, beagle.
Unknown said...
German Shepherd, Beagle, Labrador.
kris said...
beagle German shepherd
kris said...
I believe my dog is a husky schnauzer boxer maybe some wolf hybrid in there too. She has very wire like hair, med-long hair, funny short looking muzzle. Ms Darla also has a personality like Cybil (lol) she down right funny, protective of her people, she loves being around everyone, a major hugger. beautiful bitty brown eyes, she about 15 inches tall and weighs 35 lbs.
Unknown said...
Bumble is at least Rat Terrier from his mother but we have no idea what his father is. I have been told possibly a beagle but he is 30lbs and which is large for a rat terrier. I'd love to have a better idea of what his father was as he was different from all the other puppies in the liter as well.
Darby Elizabeth said...
We think that ours is husky and malamute!
Anonymous said...
My dog was adopted from the local shelter. Her previous owner said she was a Cavoodle. However, her first vet says ahe is a Cavachon. I love her no matter what she is, but I would llove to win the DNA test.
Unraveling Ancestors said...
I think Duke might be foxhound, golden retriever with maybe some German shepherd.
Unraveling Ancestors said...
If I won, I'm not sure which dog I'd test. Jeffie's mama was a Golden Retriever and we think his daddy must've been a Border Collie. The shelter said Rosie's mama was a Golden Retriever and we think her daddy had some wired hair and bowed legs. Breed? Dunno!
Jan K said...
American Foxhound, Labrador Retriever, and Boxer (there always seems to be something unexpected in there!)
Unknown said...
Beagle Golden Retriever Collie
Jan K said...
We are adopting a new puppy tomorrow from a rescue. All we know is that his Mom is a black lab or lab mix, nothing is known on the father. So we are really curious as to what other breeds he may have in him (the foster Mom suspects Australian Shepherd), and have already decided to do a DNA test. This sounds like a good one, so if we don't win, we will be buying one!
Janet said...
beagle, lab, german shepard
Janet said...
My husky has blue eyes but she's got really long fur
Malia Ragan said...
Oh my goodness that is fantastic. I would love to know for certain what breeds my Baylie is. Since she was found along the side of the road from 4-5 weeks old, the vet could only guess...Great pyr/Border Collie, but I would love to know for certain. Awesome giveaway.
Nicole P said...
I think Duke definitely has some lab, possibly beagle, and pointer.
KateV said...
Anybody want to share if the last entry that gets unlocked after you complete all the others is a daily entry or a one-time thing? I haven't completed all entries yet (trying to space them out) but don't want to miss out on daily options, either.
Unknown said...
Wow this dog is beautiful! I am thinking German Shepard, Labrador and Beagle :)
Unknown said...
I have a veeeeeeeeeery old dog and I am just curious as to what he is. He is a massive dog with short grey fur. I think he is German Shepard and something else possibly a wolf or husky.
Unknown said...
I am gonna go way out on a crazy limb and say Bassett Hound, Labrador and German Shepherd.
Unknown said...
I would like to test my little Chi's DNA, because everyone suspects a touch of something else mixed in.
KateV said...
My sister has two dogs of unknown breeds. I'm usually pretty good at guessing dogs, but I can't get my finger on either of them. Jack definitely has a northern breed- husky or chow, and I'd swear there's border collie in there even though there's little physical to back me up. Chewy definitely has Shepherd and maybe Golden. But both dogs obviously have a lot more mixed in, and every time I see them I see a different breed. Would love to see what this test says on them.
Abby Chesnut said...
I think Duke looks like a mix of beagle, coonhound, and lab
Abby Chesnut said...
I was told that Jada is a Chorkie- Chihuahua Yorkie mix..but I think she has something else in her because she is so long. Bailey looks like she could have chihuahua and affenpincher in her, but I really have no idea! I have always wanted to do a DNA test on them!
Anonymous said...
My rescue dog is supposedly a German Shepherd/Lab mix! However, I think she may have some Border Collie in her, but not any German Shepherd traits! I would love to use the test to learn more about which breeds my dog is!
J said...
I have AKC papered chihuahuas, interested to see if they come out as pure!
bearsbearsbearswoo said...
we think Veeta is part terrier but looks like a dingo, so we would love to find out what she really is
KateV said...
Difficult to guess without seeing the dog in profile (feet, and overall structure would help with guesses). I do see beagle, though the traits I'm seeing could be from a number of different hounds- but I'm going with beagle since I'm not sure how many of those hounds would be included in the test's DNA sample. Maybe lab also.
scottsgal said...
I'd guess beagle, lab and treeing walker coonhound
scottsgal said...
We have a 70 lb 9 month old rescue. We think she's a dobe/shepherd because she has the dobe markings but she also could have some black & tan coonhound in her. She doesn't have the long hound ears though. We are definitely going to get her DNA tested to see what she is. Her name is Roxy and we just call her our hillbilly Roxstar. We absolutely love her.
Pauline MIlner said...
I am guessing blood hound, German Sheppard and lab. Thanks for the super giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.
Pauline MIlner said...
Our little guy is a mutt. He definitely has a lot of terrier in him but I would love to know what other breeds are in his DNA. People have said he looks like he has some pug and Pomeranian. Thanks for offering this great giveaway opportunity. Keep up the terrific blogging.
Josephine D said...
I would love to see what the "and something" is in my family's rescue dog. It would be interesting to see the heritage and whether or not her personality really reflects that. Such a neat idea! mary987 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Unknown said...
My guess for Duke's breed ancestry would be Beagle, Lab, and Shepherd.
Unknown said...
My dog is my first foster "failure." She has some obvious Doberman ancestry and she exhibits some of the Dobie catlike grooming behavior. She also points at anything that moves when we are outside so she has earned the nickname "Bird Dawg."
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