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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

#BarkFriday Twitter Party Returns

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Two years ago when Event Barkers was just launched, we all enjoyed a #BarkFriday holiday Twitter Party. Well, I have great news--it's back!  This year's #BarkFriday is sure to please with terrific, made in the U.S. treats, awesome toys for Christmas and Hanukkah  and a fun, festive party to celebrate the holidays with your dogs.

Today we're not quite ready to give out the name of our sponsor or the remaining details. You'll just have to trust that Event Barkers will always bring you to best! However, you can get started on our pre-party giveaway right now. Let's get that RSVP out of the way! You'll be entered to win one of 10 prize packages valued at about $100 that are sure to thrill Fido, and maybe fill his stocking!

Follow the example below to sign up for this exciting event and be sure to mark your calendar. Get your Black Friday shopping done early and return home for lunch and our party just when your feet are killing you. Don't forget to stop and grab a coffee at Starbucks so you can stay awake! This party will be well worth the effort :)
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One last quick note. If you visited my blog today to check up on any last minute news regarding #Coupaween, you've come to the right place. Visit this link to find out which handles will be chatting about what, who's handing out prizes and to get the scoop on our guest expert and the topics you can ask questions about. There is also more information on our prizes and a rain date announcement, just in case Twitter happens to be down. Thankfully, that has never happened during one of our parties, but we're always ready with an alternate date. Find out what the rain date plan is at the link above.
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Our surprise sponsor will be announced soon enough. For now, all you need to know is that this party is sponsored by a fab treat company that you all love! 


Unknown said...

BOL! Absolutely love, love, love that I'm #13 to sign up since Vlad's a Friday 13th baby, and this is for a Friday party!

Helga said...

signed up as @jumpinupanddown

Kimberly said...

Can't wait! We have 3 dogs that would love to share a prize! #BarkFriday
Twitter Handle: @kbamcfadden

djc319 said...

Can't wait @djc319

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