© AllThingsDogBlog.com Gator Toys; "Take Two" |
Stranger things have happened I suppose, but I'm still a bit baffled by this one. I refuse to simply redraw new winners without letting you guys in on the scoop. After a highly active series on the dangers of alligators and some safety tips for folks walking dogs near waterways, I recently ran a giveaway for some gator toys.
Tanner did his duty, posing with the prizes. I announced the winners. Normally I receive answers to my emails within a couple of days. Occasionally my emails end up in spam and I resend from another email account. That usually does the trick. But not this time. With 4 winners, only one got in touch. Strange!
At the announcement post for the original winners I have noted this change. I'll offer the winners' names here as well: Chantelle F., Sandy W., and Jenna Z. Thanks for your understanding and patience. I hope to hear from these winners soon!

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