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Wow. I’m thinking of all the variations on this theme and getting totally bowled over by my thoughts. I’m going to have to set all the what-ifs and coulda-woulda-shoulda’s aside and just give you a peek into my workdays.
Early morning walks with the dogs are my serenity. It’s truly
the only peaceful time of my day when nothing enters my thoughts save for my effort to think like a dog and
figure out what each of the boys is
focusing on. I play a game with myself.
I like to return home with a story in my head about Tanner’s thoughts about the
ducks or Oliver’s opinion of the poodle’s new outfit. Silly, I know. But it’s a
nice diversion from the challenges of the remainder of my day. Call it my
meditation; it relaxes my mind.
My workdays start with a quick post check and then on to blog emails.
This is the scariest part of my day, so I have to knock it out right after my
morning latte, when my energy is surging. Between the requests to help upstarts
and the offers to write advertising that masquerade as free posts, I always
find myself with at least one good laugh. A few nicely presented proposals come
in each week to temper my opinion of the folks in the pet industry; there are a
few that ought to be giving lessons. Seriously; they are so good at what they
do that I want to send them off to visit some of their peers for mentoring.
Hey! Maybe there’s a business idea in there somewhere?
Speaking of business, that’s my next focus. Gotta get the
tough stuff under my belt before the afternoon Fetch game and social media
time. Proposals, conference calls, and those discussions about how to do things
with sponsors. Event Barkers has got me back in the driver’s seat where I was
for many years as a business person, so I’m feeling pretty comfortable there. I
tried the retirement thing but found my days needed more challenge.
Oops! I suppose there needs to be a niche in my day somewhere for
writing posts. It’s funny; writing posts is something I have no problem with
doing. No writers block here. I keep a schedule/calendar of my posts and plan
ahead to some extent. I like to watch out for variety as well as assure space
for various features that I pre-arrange such as our Ask the Vet column or
product reviews. These are the dogs’ favorite days; when I break out the camera
and new products their ears perk up and they seem to know we’re going into
training and trial mode. Either way, it means a few treats for them and that’s
great motivation for some fun photo opps, or the bloopers reel—LOL! You know;
those pics of your dog when you’re intending to get their pearly whites, and
instead you capture a photo of them licking their, uh, let’s move on.
By lunchtime I’m itching to get writing. All those ideas that
woke me up in the middle of the night have withered and I want to get something
down as a start for that next post on, let’s say, Pet Projects: Helping Seniors Keep Their Dogs.
Before I get far though, I’ve still got some technical stuff
to do. Check in on renewals, memberships, followers, DMs, Facebook messages,
reader email, and the plumbing. By that I refer to all the sites I pay big
bucks to for assistance with tasks like giveaways, bloghops, statistics and
such--dull stuff that needs my attention in a timely manner.

The remainder of the afternoon--if anything is left--is spent
on social media and followups. It seems that the latter gets more of my
attention these days. For fun, I have found myself hooked on Pinterest. Anyone else?

Kolchak Puggle said...
*sigh* I wish I had the whole day to spend on that stuff. Your day sounds perfectly lovely!
Schooner and Skipper said...
As I sit at the computer reading what your days looks like.....all I can is WOW! What a wonderful start to your day with wagging tails and that is the BEST time of the day! I enjoy waking up to wagging tails and lots of kisses to start my day!
FidoseofReality said...
Your day sounds similar to mine, Ms. Carrie, except that I also do this for my employment and then also for myself for Fidose of Reality. Rock on, friend!
BoingyDog said...
Cool post and what a great way to spend each day! Gives the rest of us some hope!
Jessica @ YouDidWhatWithYourWeiner said...
My day starts with email and social media but then goes immediately to writing posts. I am freshest in the morning. Chester and Gretel get me up at am every morning to eat. I often try to go back to bed but sometimes I start thinking about blog posts and can't sleep. I just get up and start writing.
Dawn said...
And I thought blogging would be easy! My day sounds a bit like yours. In summer, we do our walks in the morning. But when the weather starts cooling we will go in the afternoon. Otherwise, the first thing I do is check emails and fill orders. The rest of the day is not quite as organized but I have a list that I whittle down. There are SEO projects, blog writing, social media, errands, and so so much more. But I love it!
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