We've been pulling out all the stops to find new ways for indoor activities. The obvious ones we've used are getting a daily workout: laser tag, training, treat balls, mental games and more. Today's Mutt Monday topic is here to share some of these and hopefully get some other bloggers to link up with their ideas. Help us get the word out, pretty please:
#Mutt Monday is dishing out tips 4 indoor play + activities 4 you + your dog on wet/hot days. Join us: http://t.co/GeCsmUjuER
— Carrie Boyko (@AllThingsDog) July 22, 2013
And readers, please do chime in with your tips in the comments section. We love to hear from you!
I'm struggling to clear out the reviews and giveaways that are stacking up here lately. That brought me the inspiration to invite bloggers to share a post here next week on:
Upcoming Reviews and Giveaways
I'll be giving myself a nudge as well, making a list that will tantalize your pup. Meanwhile, you can help me get more bloggers here to join in by clicking this Tweet:
ATTN Bloggers: Pls join @AllThingsDog next Monday by sharing ur upcoming #reviews + #giveaways. Thx! http://t.co/NYj4uuVlrF
— Carrie Boyko (@AllThingsDog) July 22, 2013

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