I've linked up some archived posts offering tips on keeping your dog cool and safe from overheating during outdoor walks and other activities. Keep in mind that walking the indoor perimeter of your local pet superstore could be an option on particularly hot days.
Bloggers are invited to link up posts on similar topics of help to our readers. Feel free to link up as many posts as you wish and join us each week as we continue to share a themed group of our archived posts. You can let your readers know you've joined in by clicking this Tweet to share it with your followers:
Join #MuttMonday where @AllThingsDog & other blogs share tips 4 keeping Fido cool this Summer: http://t.co/PyE4xcoigz
— Carrie Boyko (@AllThingsDog) June 30, 2013
Helping Woof and Meow Coexist
With many of our homes offering space to both dogs and cats, we'll be sharing our tips for making it all work. I hope to hear some of yours as well. Please give me a little assistance with getting the word out by clicking the Tweet to share it with your followers. Thanks and I hope to see you next week for Mutt Monday!
Our 7/8 #MuttMonday theme is 'Helping Woof & Meow Coexist". Bloggers pls link up 2 help our readers learn: http://t.co/fwJpozD33T
— Carrie Boyko (@AllThingsDog) June 30, 2013

Anna said...
Its so true, this heat is awful for our dogs. Faster walks and lots more water.
BoingyDog said...
This is really fantastic and I can't wait to share! I volunteered with a rescue today and we went on a lengthy pack walk. I had to keep reminding myself of the importance of keeping our dogs cool, hydrated and taking care of their paws. Thanks for the great resources!
Pet Products said...
now here it is summer here and my dog gets tired so easily. what can i do to keep him active like earlier??
Kolchak Puggle said...
I'm a day late to the Mutt Monday party, but yesterday was a holiday here, so I'm using that as my excuse. Can't wait to check out all the great posts!
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@Kolchak Puggle: Hi! I finally got smart and am leaving #MuttMonday open to linkups throughout the week. Feel free to drop in anytime to link up your relevant posts. I appreciate your participation!
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