by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Cartoon Your Pets My Xena's Illustration |
Raise your paw if you joined us last year for this fun and educational event. What a blast we all had watching our artist's illustration unfold, getting professional tips on photographing our pets in football-themed pics and soaking up simpler methods for our point and click cameras. We learned a lot about online methods for decking out our own photos, as well as many Petfinder adoptables, and guess what? Event Barkers is bringing it all back again for 2013!
courtesy Life+Dog |
That's right! We'll have another live illustration, this time by Nate Fakes of @CartoonYourPets, while Brett Chisholm, Publisher and chief Tweeter at @LifeandDog answers your photography questions, and we'll be dishing out easier methods for folks like me who are camera-challenged, as well. More details on all this will be coming soon. And of course, there will be tons of prizes! More than $1000 in great stuff will be dished out so be sure to RSVP below to win. Gypsy Eyes Clothing will be back again with more fun hoodies for your pups, so be sure to join in to win.
courtesy Toby and Max My Readers Fave! |
Sponsors like @TobyandMax jewelry, the authors of Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know, and @ILoveMyK10, K-10+ nutritional supplements, have signed on to bring you prizes and more information on their terrific products for dog lovers. Watch for reviews at and highlights here and on our other Event Barkers team blogs.
© AllThingsDogBlog |
Our goal at #SuperDogPics? We want to help you get charged up and ready with simple-to-use and fun-to-create photos for the Super Dog Sunday™ photo contest, benefitting Petfinder Foundation. You can learn more about this event at our Super Dog Sunday™ post today.
© AllThingsDogBlog |
Today's New Years Resolution: RSVP below for the party! Just by signing up below, you'll be entered to win one of three fabulous prizes for you and Fido without even joining in the party, so be sure to watch the blog Thursday for details on our PreTweet prize, and next week we'll add a Rafflecopter for more fun and prizes. This will be your chance to get acquainted with our wonderful sponsors that are bringing you this fun football-themed event, hosted by Event Barkers.
So, why should you join us? To get Photo Tips, Win and meet new Twitter friends! Watch for more details to come and stop by Dogtipper to read their take on the party.
Now for the instructions; RSVP below by following the guide I've created, and be sure to use the hashtag #SuperDogPics when you Tweet. If you're unsure about your RSVP, please include an email address so we can reach you to clarify your registration. In order to win prizes at #SuperDogPics, you'll need to RSVP. What's more, there will be a prize just for one of the lucky Tweeps on the RSVP list, so don't be left out :)
Follow this RSVP Guide:
Below the numbered list at the bottom is a blue link that says "Click here to enter". Click this and follow these instructions, using the image above as a guide. In the field that says "Link Title or Blog Title" just enter your Twitter handle. Notice I entered @EventBarkers. In the second field that says "Link" you'll enter the link to your Twitter account. It will look like this: "".
You can leave your email address and name in the next two fields, if you wish. This will help us reach you if your Twitter handle is listed wrong and you win a prize. We'll need to get in touch! Now click "Enter your link" and that's it. You have completed your RSVP. See you on January 20 prior to the 4 PM ET party opening.
Social Media Info for Hosts, Sponsors, Guest Experts and Prize Providers: Feel free to give them a shout out!
and let's not forget our beneficiary, @Petfinder_Fnd!
Event Barkers is working with @ILoveMyK10, @ThingsYourDog and @TobyandMax to help them increase their online presence. All giveaways involved in the #SuperDogPics and Super Dog Sunday™ events are open to U.S. and Canadian addresses, with the exception of Quebec. These contests and giveaways are void where prohibited and will follow the Event Barkers Rules, found at this link.
San Diego Veterinary Tech said...
Nice. And I will surely add you to my twitter. Can we send you a message then send as back a photography advice when it comes to shooting pets?
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@San Diego Vet Tech: There will be plenty of tips on the blog, but also the Twitter Party is designed to share photo tips. Hope to see you there.
Unknown said...
@mommaof4girlies #61 on the list, can't wait to tweet you all there!! :D
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