(c) AllThingsDogBlog.com Oliver Shows Off Jacque's Tag |
I've just taken on a new advertiser and want to show them off with a giveaway of
(c) AllThingsDogBlog.com Our Giveaway Prize! |
Robyn will gladly place your dog's name on each tag, along with any contact information that you prefer, as long as it will fit. Phone numbers are no problem.
Want to learn more about Pet Tag Creations? "Like" them on Facebook and get into the conversation. You may also enjoy tagging along on Twitter to see what other folks have to say. These forums are a great place to ask questions and find out what you need to know, but of course, don't forget the website: Pet Tag Creations. Want to place an order for the tag of your choice? Be sure to use their coupon, specially created just for All Things Dog Blog readers: tags10. Use this code at checkout to get a 10% discount on any order while the ad is running.
Enter the giveaway below by using the Rafflecopter form. If it's playing Peekaboo again, just click on the post title to refresh and it will reappear for your entry. Entries will be accepted through Thursday, December 27 and winners will be announced late afternoon on Friday, December 28. Good luck!
Here they are; which is your favorite?

GizmoGeodog said...
My favorite is the purple spiral paw...I love the color and the simple design appeals to me
Melissa said...
they are adoroable!!!! my lab brady would love one!!!! :)
Christine Aiello said...
I love the bones and balls id tag. Coco loves to play ball and chew bones so its perfect for her!
Amy Orvin said...
I like the Spiral Paw Pet ID Tag because the paw is so cute and I love the purple color.
Unknown said...
The heart id one would be nice on my girl Shunta
Katie Amanda said...
I love the "Oh Shit, I'm Lost" tags. I think it's hilarious! Thanks!
Katie said...
spiral paw would look adorable on my molly
Danielle Murgia said...
I really like the one that says "Oh Shit I'm lost". It would fit perfectly for my Sissy.
Cheryl Chervitz said...
I like the Large Bone Oh Shit I'm Lost. Very cute and just for my dog!
Unknown said...
I like the heart and paw tag it just reminds me of my shih tzu Bella
scottsgal said...
I like the paw print on the medium bone
msboatgal at aol.com
Margie said...
Very cute, large bone that says "Oh Shit I Am Lost"! My GSD would look adorable and we would get lots of laughs at the dog park with that!
Anonymous said...
I like the Paw Print - Medium Bone. i would love it in orange.
Kittie Kat E said...
I simply could not pick a favorite, theyre all so bright and colorful!!
larrielle said...
I like the "Oh Shit! I'm lost" one (LOL). That's too cute
misty farmer said...
Oh Shit I'm Lost - Medium Heart and the medium Bone was so cute! Love the patterns and colors!
Mystic Misha said...
Oh, Shit, I'm Lost is great@
lennyg said...
Yin and Yang because I have a matching shirt :D
evie said...
oh shit, i'm lost...i love this
Schooner and Skipper said...
I would pick Paw Print - Medium Bone
Mallory H. said...
Dog is love, simple - and straight to the point, my point :)
luckynordberg said...
Love the oh shit i'm lost tag
arifamily at comcast.net
SaraLee said...
I like the Bones&Forest - Medium Bone
Anonymous said...
Love the medium bone,
Karen said...
like the bones and heart...our fur dudes LOVE to eat bones and the heart because we love them :O)
Anonymous said...
My favorite tag is the red bone-shape with pawprint. This is adorable.
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