(c) AllThingsDogBlog.com Oliver Loves Hearing His Name! |
Oliver's ears perk up, his tail wags furiously and that twinkle wakes up in his eyes as if it were Christmas morning and Santa just arrived. I'm noticing that Oliver is now associating wearing the vest with getting out more, and loving the attention he gets at the bank or Starbucks drive-through, the dog park and even on our walks. Everyone notices the vest, reads the embroidered message and immediately says "Well, Hello Oliver!" Success! No more nervous greeters.
Thanks to everyone who left fun comments with their ideas for embroidering more than just a name on their Doodie Pack. I especially love the idea offered by Brittany to embroider their favorite food on the vest: "I Love Beggin' Strips". Kristin; are you listening to this potential brand partnering possibility?
Today I'm excited to give two of my readers the opportunity to share their dog's name or nickname on a Doodie Pack vest. I'll email each of you this evening with my AllThingsDogBlog@gmail.com email, so be sure to watch for this. Congratulations to D. Murgia and C. Richman. What's in your Doodie Packs?
Visit Doodie Pack at:
Read our All Things Dog Blog Review

Doodie Pack offered this promotional giveaway and will ship the prizes direct to the winners. I was not compensated for reviewing or offering the giveaway on All Things Dog Blog. Note that Doodie Pack is offering free shipping through December 21, 2012 on their website orders.

Dawn said...
That's wonderful Oliver! You look adorable. I remember Sephi always loved to wear a scarf. They didn't have her name on them, but because she was a black dog she never got much attention from strangers. A pink or purple bandana made all the difference in the world so she always looked forward to having one put on. Congratulations winners! :)
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