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After posing the idea of a theme for each week of Mutt Monday, I got a few emails and decided to go for it. Hopefully we'll all be linking up and learning. I'd like to simplify it for our blogging community by offering a couple of tips that I believe will take the stress out of it:
- At the end of this post, and each week going forward, I'll offer a theme for NEXT WEEK. That way you can be thinking about old posts we'd like to link up for sharing next week. Many of us may have missed it first time around, and this could be a great way to get us to peruse your blog further.
- Finally, feel free to plug in anything current that is loosely themed to each week's topic. I won't be policing the hop beyond a desire to keep it to pet topics, so don't worry about crossing any lines as long as you're being respectful of one another, and that does include the dogs :).
Having not given out a theme for today, I'll offer a very flexible one, but also leave it to you to make it work for you in whatever way you need. This week, let's post about behavior problems and solutions for them. Who knows, we may have the opportunity to learn a bit from one another.
Next week's topic will be DIY training.
Share your favorite tips, strategies, books, trainers, and methods. Link up as many related posts as you'd like. We'd like to hear about it all. Got questions? Drop me a note by clicking on the Contact link in the menu bar. Thanks for everyone's participation; I hope we'll begin to see some new bloggers joining in.
Whoa; lightbulb moment! Why didn't I think of this sooner? Let's use some of our Twitter power to get the word out. I'll create and embed a Tweet below. You can use mine or create your own. Just make sure it has #MuttMonday in it so I can track it. In 2 weeks, on Monday, November 25, I'll draw a winner from Tweets and give away a dog-themed tote bag to one lucky Tweeter who helped up talk it up.
#MuttMonday is digging up Archives 2 share themed articles from our best material of the past. Join in the #BlogHop 2 Link+Learn.If you have topics you'd like to see me cover in upcoming Mutt Monday themes, please leave your ideas in the comments section. I'll be checking them each week. Thanks for all the great ideas that have come in already. I'll leave Mutt Monday open through Wednesday at 12:01 AM to make sure you all get a chance to jump in. Happy Mutt Monday!
— Carrie Boyko (@AllThingsDog) November 11, 2012

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