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First and foremost I would like to start out by saying that this is a surprisingly easy thing to do, yet you may be surprised how many people don't have as close of a bond to their dog as is possible. I can assure you however, if you follow these tips regularly, you and your dog will be closer than ever.
Number 1: Feed your dog. Whether it's a treat or a meal, you should always be the one feeding your dog. Yes, sometimes it's unavoidable, and you have to ask someone else to feed your dog if you are out of town for instance. However, when circumstances allow it, it is very important that, if you wish to be the most important figure in your dog's life, that you are the one feeding them. They will love you forever more for it, and will always come to you when they want attention.
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Number 2: Take your dog out. It seems obvious that you should always walk your dog, or give them some form of exercise every day, but this is more important than simply for their health. Going outside of "home territory" with your dog is very important. It's a great mental stimulus for dogs, that gets all their senses going, yet your scent will always be in the background of new ones. It's also a great way to get exercise for yourself!
Number 3: Bathe your dog yourself. Again, sometimes this isn't easy, especially if you have a big, fluffy dog. If you are capable of bathing your dog yourself, it can be a great way to fortify that bond. The process of bathing, with the all-over body rub is extremely useful to allow your dog to become used to your touch. A dog who is bonded to their owner will allow them to do almost anything, and touch even the most sensitive areas of the body, which can be important for visits to the vet!
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Number 4: Train your dog. It's very important that a dog be trained to do a few things aside from being simply being house trained. Teaching your dog to Sit and Stay are the most important. Having your dog sit when he is doing something he shouldn't is a very efficient way of stopping him. Of course, first they must be trained to sit, which is a very easy task.
Number 5: Play with your dog. Every dog has a playful side and loves it when you play with them. Toys aren't even necessary. You can play with your dog in any way, from playing fetch to talking to them in a fun voice. Or try getting down on their level and making some goofy dog-like movements; they will return them right back. It's quite simple, and extremely fun! Who doesn't like to goof around sometimes, especially when a cute dog is involved?!!

Dawn said...
All very excellent tips! My dogs only listen to my husband when they feel like it so I've been trying to get him more involved. He does participate in taking them out and playing with them but leaves the feeding, training, and bathing part to me.
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