(c) All Things Dog Blog I Wonder What Tanner is Thinking?! |
In Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know, you can finally understand your dog's thought process in this comedic compilation of letters from dogs to their owners. The book features 11 different dogs, each with their own distinct personalities. Each dog has his own uniquely-styled background with fun colors and designs to complement his personality.
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Tinkerbell is just one end of an extreme scale in terms of dog personalities. This book features every type, from Tinkerbell to Axelrod's generically sweet Labrador demeanor, to Rufus T., the bloodhound with his best friend forever, Toby, whose owners are also friends.
This book is great for any dog-lover, or even dog-admirers. It will broaden your thoughts to what goes on in your dog's mind and give you a nice laugh at the same time. Not only that, it's an extremely easy read, perfect for reading anytime of the day. Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know will capture your attention from start to finish with these fascinating tales about the everyday lives of dogs as they relate to their owners.
Are you dying for a copy right away? Here are some options for buying your own, as well as connecting with the author:
- Buy it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indigo
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- Follow the book on Twitter

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