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Danielle Murgia said...
Sissy thinks about food, naps and walks! She is also convinced that the cat is out to take all of her toys!
mrshill0611 said...
He thinks..."Why are you all so boring"
Wanda McHenry said...
Folly thinks "I will get that squirrel one day!"
Wanda McHenry
KateV said...
Sometimes I think my dogs are trying to control me telepathically... "We will go outside... You will give me a treat... You will take me for a walk..." lol.
Cheryl Chervitz said...
I often wonder what they are thinking. Me and hubby will sit here and watch them and make up what they are thinking. I wish I knew for sure!
Misty said...
"How much LONGER until dindin?"
Nancy said...
"Hey did you ya know - MY stick-ball ball is in the sink!?!?"
Rick said...
"He'll never ever know how much I love to kiss him. Maybe one more will help him feel the truth!"
jayedee said...
mind control...its all about mind control. i feel it pulling at me each time i walk thru the toy or treat aisle!
Marthalynn said...
Probably "pet me! pet me! love me! pet me!"
Schooner and Skipper said...
Why don't your put down your work from your job and play with me, give me belly rubs, or lets go for a walk, or let just snuggle. Leave your work at your job mom!!!
Dawn said...
Here are some things I'm sure my dogs are thinking: "If I'm so darned cute, give me a treat already." "You know, we could walk a lot faster if this rope thing [leash] wasn't tied around my neck [collar]." "A little to the left. No, a little to the right. Up just a little. Ahhh, that's the spot." "Cookie? Cookie? Cookie, cookie, cookie. Cookie!!!"
Dawn said...
Just thought of a few more, "Get the newspaper? Fetch your slippers? Sorry, you don't feed me enough for that." "Maybe if I tilt my head just right, stare intently, tap my tail lightly on the floor, and make cute whiny noises, she will give me some of her sandwich."
Ellen Ross | Ask Away Blog said...
they wonder why im so obsessed with them hhahah
Kittie Kat E said...
"Next time you put one of those stupid shirts on me, I'm tearing it to shreds!"
Unknown said...
Everytime I start stretching I know my dogs are thinking about the adventurous walk they anticipate. They start wagging their tails, pushing their leashes with their noses, and bark. The youngest of my pets seems to always be thinking "what is that".
AnnStaub said...
Why do you keep making me get off the bed? Lol
abbi said...
All three of mine seem to only think about food!
larrielle said...
"I wish you would STOP kissing me!"-Bentley
evie said...
i have 3 little girls. i know the middle child is always wanting more food...she follows me to the kitchen, sticks her nose in the fridge, always hunting for food;the baby, is always thinking what kind of trouble can i get into today....tear up a another toy, destroy another plant, go to the potty while mom's back is turned; and the oldest, while, i know she is cussing me out constantly, b/c she still cant stand her 2 younger sisters, and when i tell her to do something, she turns around and barks at me....my mother used to say she was calling me every name in the book...and more....my mother loved it when evie talked back to me...she thought it was so cute, but i did not....she is a terrier and they do have a mind of their own..
Anna said...
Come home! What are you doing in the bathroom? You can't escape me! You belong to me! I will follow you everywhere! You're all wet from the shower, let me dry you off. I miss you. I love you. Pet me. Don't ever leave me.
The World According to Garth Riley said...
Lisa F. said...
I have a pretty good routine for my dogs, so when I am late with something (like feedings), I think they're thinking "uh, mom...isn't it time for dinner?!"
desitheblonde said...
king he now what i am doing all the time and then i know he will be by my side all the time he let me now what he want and i get them for him
Robin Quick said...
I think shes thinking "Why can't I eat the same thing my people eat?"
Emily R. said...
Mostly Sam seems to be thinking about which toy to play with next.
Unknown said...
i think my lab thinks of food and being mischevious all the time!!
evie said...
cant see the questions, i tried to highlight, but wont, cant see anything but the vote....would you prefer to have the party? is all i can see
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