You can learn more by clicking on the Red Carpet Cat post below, and watch for updates as more information becomes available. Bloggers are encouraged to link up their pet related posts of any type, family friendly of course :)

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Larrielle said...
Tanner and Oliver are not the only ones excited that it's also open to doggies; so am I! At first I felt as though it was a cat only club (LOL) but I see not.
FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...
Hi Y'all!
Just trying to get around and visit all my friends I've been missing. What do I find? Another HOP! WOW! Now to figure out how to get it to show on my blog with the Human's limited knowledge of tech and none of html. BOL!
Hope y'all are havin' a great day!
Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
dog food said...
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