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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dandy Dog Book Giveaway:
Angel in a Fur Coat

My Angel in a Fur Coat: Tanner
Angel in a Fur Coat is a fiction fantasy book about dogs written for ages 7-11 and has been very successful with adults as well. They begin as angels with an everlasting dream to be a person's best friend. The dogs go to school to learn how to be dogs on Earth. They learn about various dog breeds and different dog jobs and when they graduate they get their fur coat and are born on Earth as dogs to find the person they were made for. The story explores the wonderful world of dogs through the eyes of one special little angel who bares the mark of a legend. Unleash the prophecy and let the Legend of the Pink Toe begin with Book two in the series.

Author Cynthia Enuton would love for you to win a copy of her book from All Things Dog Blog. You can enter below, or simply go the direct route and purchase a copy through her website. Her books are also available in print and on Kindle through Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

If the Rafflecopter form does not appear at the bottom of this post, simply click on the title to refresh and it will reappear momentarily. Entries will be accepted through Thursday, September 6, and winners will be announced on Friday, September 7. Thanks and good luck!

This giveaway is offered by the author. I have not been compensated for my comments or this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Noodles said...

Sounds like such a GRRRRRRRRRRRRR8 book! I will have to mention it to my Mommy #2 so she can buy one.
Love Noodles

michele376 said...

I would like to read Legend of the Pink Toe.

CRichman said...

Legend of the Pink Toe sounds good, thanks.

cstironkat said...

I would like to read Legend of the Pink Toe

Anonymous said...

Tanner just looks amazingly fit. My two Golden Retrievers also have an ensemble of decorated cheap dog beds placed in one room just for them.
From the looks of it all, you're also one great owner. Kudos. Thanks for sharing.

Danielle Murgia said...

Legend of the pink toe sounds really good too! I'd love to read both of them.

nightowl said...

I like the book about the Pugs.

Cyndee said...

Precious our family dog is picking(like me) with her paw to have me read "Legend of the Pink Toe".
I hope my entry for "Angel in Fur" is lucky!!
Cyndee Thomas

Linda Kish said...

My favorite is Legend of the Pink Toe

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Lisa F. said...

This would probably be my favorite. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I deffinetly have no favorite. \:


My Angel in a Fur Coat

Large dog breeds said...

Looks like an amazing book!!!

Unknown said...

They all look good to me!

lilyk said...

Augie D Pet Detective looks very interesting!

CRichman said...

I have never read any of these books so too hard to pick a fav :) thanks for the chance to win!

Big Dog Toys said...

They are simply such adorable books Big dog toys

Royal Canin Dog Food said...

Great idea, the books look wonderful

Dodo Juice said...
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