Thanks to Tracie Hotchner for this short, educational video on greeting a dog. So many of us do not know the right way to greet. These few guidelines are also excellent to teach children, as some are eager to go toward a new dog with hands flailing and instinctually want to pat a dog right on top of its head. While this behavior may not bother some friendly, happy-go-lucky dogs, others will be threatened by this and may react. Better to folllow Tracie's advice and ask first, then following her steps to success. Happy tails!
Be sure to listen to Tracie's radio show, Dog Talk, for more helpful tips.

bichonpawz said...
Excellent tutorial! Always a good idea to go slow...don't want to scare them!
Peggy Frezon said...
Great video. So many people don't stop to think how to approach the dog. I especially liked the part that they can smell you without you needing to give them your hand to sniff.
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...
thanks for the important info. Now, I always hear two conflicting schools of thought on how the hands should be. Some say to make a fist, others say to put your hand out palm up...thoughts? (I just read what Peggy said so maybe that answers my question) :)
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