Monday, March 26, 2012

Mixed Breed vs. Pure:
Let's Tally on Mutt Monday

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© All Things Dog Blog
Grab Bag Prizes--
Somes are Surprises
I'm suddenly many of our dogs are pure vs. mixed? It doesn't matter to me, really; I just suddenly wonder. We'll call this the All Things Dog Blog census. Just for fun, let's find out. 

We can even make a game of it. Vote for Team Xena by comment if you're a mixed breed owner. Vote for Team AKC if your dog is pure anything. If your furry family includes both mixed and pure, feel free to vote once per option and of course, you can tell me all about your pups. (I expect lots of fun descriptions!)

Winner Selection: Voting will continue through midnight April 12 and the winner will be announced on April 13. One reader will get a LUCKY Friday, the 13th! I'll draw one name from all the comment/entries at this post to win a Grab Bag Prize that will include 1 bag of dog treats and a fun dog-themed Tshirt for mom or dad.

Optimized MuttMonday BadgeNow let's get on with highlighting pet posts around the blogosphere. Bloggers are welcome to link up their past week's postings here as a way to review them for those who may have missed something. The only rules are (1) keep it family friendly and (2) pet-themed or pet-lover topics only. Enjoy your Monday!


  1. My current canine crew is all purebred with 3 Jack Russells and 1 Springer Spaniel. Two are rescues and two are from a breeder.

  2. Who knew? Team AKC is winning so far. Where are all the Mutt Monday namesakes?

  3. I vote for Team Xena... all my dogs have been adorable mixed breeds... The first was a german shepherd collie mix, the second was a silky terrier mix and the current one is a chihuhua pappillon mix of some kind.

  4. Rusty and Sadie are both Mutts adopted from the local shelter. Rusty is Black & Tan Coonhound mix and Sadie is Boarder Collie and Queensland Healer mix. At least that is what I think they are.

  5. Team Xena is making a pull for the lead. C'mon folks. Get your Census in!

  6. IT DOESNT MATTER AS LONG AS THEY ARE LOVED!!!!!! mom SHOWED Standered poodles and American pitties... but her heart always always goes for mutts... best of all kinds of worlds.. :P loads of hugs to you all!!!!!! thinkin of you!!!

  7. Our vote is for Team Xena! Dumpling is a shih tzu mix that we adopted from the local shelter.

  8. We are Team Xena! Dexter's mom is a Vizsla and his dad is a German Shorthaired Pointer.

  9. Team Xena: we've got a doberman/poodle/bulldog/Sheltie mix and a lab/coonhound/GSP mix!

  10. Kouga dog is an Alaskan Malamute mix and Milele is all Alaskan Malamute. So we have one vote for AKC and one for team Xena.

  11. Team AKC

    All of our gang are Shelties0

  12. Team Xena. Even though I have a purebreed shih-tzu,Toby. I'd choose Team Xema because they are more loyal. My other furball at home is Sushi, who is a mix (peekipoo)

  13. Team AKC

    Sharon Gilbert -

  14. Team Xena, all the way! :) All three of em.

  15. team akc
    i have 3 purebreed min. schnauzers, of which two are from championship stock. however, i do not show them.
    so. i guess i am voting for akc...this time, although there are some very cute rescues, even purebreed rescues...

  16. We're going w/ Team Zena. Prudence is a rescue. She was listed as a Treeing Walker Coonhound, but that breed isn't registered. She's all mutt to me and I love her to pieces!

  17. TEAM AKC, we have a Shetland Sheepdog...however, I ADORE mutts and have no qualms about having one of those too! (If I had the room!)

    Does that make my vote a swing vote? lol

  18. TEAM XENA! One, Golden Retriever mix and the other is my mystery mix! I don't know what she could be.

  19. I say go both teams as I have a pure Jack Russell Terrier but also foster dogs (mixed and pure breed) as a hope to find them a forever loving home.

  20. I vote for team Xena. Casey is 1/2 poodle, 1/2 golden retriever...a goldendoodle. I've always had a dog, can't imagine life without one...most have been rescues, one was an AKC Old English Sheepdog. I loved every one of them, regardless of breed.

  21. Team AKC!

  22. well .. we have both - Team Xena for our Boxer- Mix Spaz :)

  23. and Team AKC for our Min - Pin YoYo :)we didnt even known when we got him but did the DNA Test @ our Vet :)

  24. Schooner and Skipper are Vizslas. They are the BEST!! They are brother but not litter mates. Skipper is a rescue....we rescued him at 6 months old when Schooner was 13 months old. Schooner needed a brother to romp and play with him.

    Sharon Gilbert -

  25. Team Xena & Team AKC. I've mostly had mixed breeds in my life but every once in a while a purebred dog has come along. Mixed - Sephi (Chow mix recently passed away beg. of Nov. 2011) & Pierson (Aussie mix rescued Jan 2012). Pure - Maya (Labrador adopted Nov. 2007).

  26. Schooner and Skipper love to swim. During the summer they spend a lot of time on our boat at Lake Michigan and we have a pool in the backyard. The best of the summer is I am home to play and swim with them.

    Sharon Gilbert -

  27. Team AKC as I have a black and white parti cocker spaniel. I adopted Wilson from the local humane society and he has been my pal for 7 years now.

  28. Team AKC - Pointing Black Lab

  29. Hmm - Team Confused. We rescued a Lab/Weimaraner looking pup off the streets. Did a DNA test for fun and she's 100% Lab. You make the call.

  30. Team Currently Dogless, but I've had and loved some great Mutts and some wonderful AKCers.

  31. Bentley is Team AKC. He is a purebred Shih Tzu. My mom got him for me from a breeder somewhere in North Carolina, which is where we reside.

  32. Team Xena - Cinnamon is a Sheltie/Beagle mix. We rescued her from a kill shelter a few days before her time was up. She has been with us since 2007. She came with vet papers her previous owner gave to the shelter. It had her birth date listed as July 1, 2006.

    She was extremely hyper when we met her in the shelter. She danced, whined, talked, hopped up in us. I kept asking my husband are you sure she's the one???
    He kept saying yes. I swallowed hard and just said ok. The whole time I was cringing inside. She whined and cried and was spastic the whole ride home.

    Fast forward to present day. She is the sweetest most loving girl. I look back and the dog from the shelter no longer exists. I don't know what her previous owner did or didnt do to make her the way she was. But I can tell you the only thing we did to make her what she is today us to love her and show her some attention.

    It is amazing what love and attention Can do.

    People adopt from a shelter.!!!!!!

    You never know what precious loving creatures you will find there. A lot of time under pain and neglect. It's no harder to retrain a dog than to train a dog.

  33. Team AKC- Sugar is a Rat Terrier stray that adopted us. (The vet said she was a full blooded Rat Terrier)

    In August 2008 on one of the hottest days that year my hubby was at the store when Sugar walked up to him. There were other people in the parking lot some of them closer to her than my husband but she chose him.

    She was hot, her tongue was hanging out, she was covered with fleas and had two large blood filled ticks in the corners of her eyes. He called said he was bringing her home to open the back door and run a bath. He brought her home and we gave her two baths with flea shampoo. (we decided on the name Sugar as we were bathing her)

    We fed her gave her water called the vet took her in for a check up and shots that day. She had no collar or chip. We brought her back home and she curled up next to me and slept for two days.

    She could of walked up to anyone why dud she choose my husband????? We had just lost Rufus our 16 year old English Springer Spanial in July. (he was a rescue)
    Did Sugar know that.? She did help with the healing.
    She rescued us the same time we were rescuing her.

    She is a sweetie. Why do owners let their dogs run around without collars and tags???

    So there is proof you can have a full blooded dog that does not come from a breeder or puppy mill.

    We have had two full blooded English Springer Spanials that were rescues.

  34. Ok- I have to vote for Team AKC cause I have a purebred Rottie. But.... I love mutts. So either way works for me!

    jill (dot) watkins (at) gmail (dot) com

  35. Voting closes at midnight on Sunday; let us know about your pups.

  36. Team AKC !!! We have an amazing purebred Toy Poodle named Nelson. I love the idea of mixed breeds but I'm allergic to most dog hair and poodles are the only dogs that don't make me sneeze.

  37. Team Xena! Shiloh is a Collie mix.

  38. I have to cast votes in Team Xena and Team AKC. About eleven years ago, I worked as a student intern at my local animal control. My local shelter is a kill shelter. I worked in the office and the vet clinic. Once an animal made it into adoptions, that animal was safe. The ones who did make it into adoption were not as lucky, especially if their owner did not claim them, which happened all too often. I started a rescue rolodex there and got involved with local all breed rescues and also purebred rescues. Of course, there were some animals that would just look into my soul during the time they were in the stray section and there were never enough rescues for them all. My husband and I had rescued Nubbin, a black and white, Border Collie/Lab/terrier mix when I worked at the Vet School. My husband and I decided she needed a friend. Before I worked at my local animal control, we went to an adoption day and brought Nubbin. We found Honey, a sweet and shy Husky/Australian Shepherd/?? mix from Animal Control. Honey came home with us and really helped Nubbin deal with her separation anxiety.

    I started working at animal control shortly after that. Bella was a yellow Lab/Chow mix who was about six months old at the time. Someone had shot her in the side. She was not going to go up for adoption. When her time was up, I brought her home to foster her. She and my husband bonded and she stayed. She still has a large scar where she had to be sutured up from the gunshot wound.

  39. Sunshine is a yellow Lab/?? mix. She was skin and bones and had five puppies with her. Her puppies were all fat and healthy. Sunshine was starving herself to make sure her babies were OK. We took them all home and fostered the puppies until they were old enough to be adopted. Sunshine had heartworms so she was not going to go up for adoption. Sunshine is also full of birdshot. We adopted her and had all of her medical needs taken care of. She is so sweet and loving. We always say what a lady she is as she always crosses her front paws when she is resting.

    Godiva is a chocolate Lab/Beagle mix. She was hugely pregnant and has these haunting brown eyes that bored straight into your soul. I took her home when her time was up. She thanked me by having thirteen puppies that night. The last puppy was stillborn. We fostered Godiva and her puppies until the puppies were old enough to be spayed/neutered and adopted. Godiva had a skin infection, heartworms and had been shot, also. We adopted her and had her treated. She does a silly RoooRooooRoooo sound. One of the places she was shot was in her knee. She uses it as a peg leg to get around. The vets said she is not in any pain.

    Lumpy is my first Team AKC child. He was about six months old and was found in a bad section of town. He is an English Bulldog. The animal control supervisor wanted to euthanize Lumpy as he had no fur from Demodex, was malnourished, had a secondary skin infection and cherry eyes. The vet and I refused to let him kill Lumpy and I brought him home when his time was up, It took me a year to get him healthy. He has food allergies and is quirky but I would not change him at all. He loves to go out and see his "adoring public". He will be ten years old this June (best guess as to month). He stole my heart because he was so pitiful and he still has me wrapped around his little paw! Lumpy started me doing English Bulldog Rescue and volunteering with an awesome Bulldog Rescue group.

    Jeff, my husband, and I found a brindle mixed breed that had been hit by a car on 01/01/02. It turns out Lulu was heartworm positive, skinny, pregnant and had to have one of her front legs amputated due to being hit by a car. Dhe had chewed of the rope that was tying her to where ever she had been. A local rescue group found great homes for all of her babies but Lulu was tougher to place. I will never understand that as you would never know that she is missing a leg. She runs, digs and gets along just fine as a tripawd. Lulu is sweet and just loves to be loved.

    Nubbin went to the Bridge in October 2010. There was a little black dog in a Miami kill shelter who looked so much like Nubbin that we could not leave her there to die. Her name is Annie Mae and she is a black Lab/??? mix. Nubbin had to have toes amputated and Annie came with two extra toes on each back foot. She is so silly!

    Essie Mae was a horribly abused American Pit Bull Terrier that we rescued in spring 2002 from animal control when I worked there. She was diagnosed with lymphoma in 2008 when she was six years old. We did chemo and got 18 wonderful months with her. She went to the Bridge in August 2010.

    I am a foster failure for two more Bulldogs, Bozz and Brees. Bozz was an owner surrender who had not really been taken care of. He is so funny and loving! Brees came from the kill shelter. He had been horribly abused by a man and was terrified. He loves me and it took him three dogs to love my husband. He would have been a hard placement due to his abuse and the issues he has due to that. He is happy here and he fits in with our family very well.

    I love all of my babies and am happy to belong to Team Xena and Team AKC. I will never buy a dog, though. There are too many in rescue that need forever homes.

    Sorry to be so long winded! I love mixed breed and purebreds. Thank you! :)

  40. I vote for team Xena! The love of my life is a mix of corgi/beagle/german shepard/who knows what else. He is the best natured little guy. He is extremely sweet and fun to be around. I'm a huge Mutt fan!!!!

  41. I vote for Team AKC. Our lovely dog is Maltese.
    Thanks for the chance!

    raceracegirl at yahoo dot com

  42. Team AKC - Folly is a West Highland White Terrier

  43. I vote for Team AKC since I have a longhaired dapple dachshund, but I love mixed breeds as well - all dogs need a home and I promote the adoption of both purebred and mixed breed dogs! ;)


  44. I have one purebreed and one mixed breed :D

    Im voting for Team Xena!

  45. Thanks for everyone's participation. It was wonderful to hear all your stories and especially your love of your furry friends. Special thanks to Trish B. for her novella of rescue dogs. I loved every minute of it!

  46. Team Xena(1 mutt) Team AKC(I have 5 pure)

    5 are small, one is big, I love them all :D

    - Karey Cone


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