Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fido's Freebie Friday Celebrates Spring with Free Advertising

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Spring has sprung here in Florida and we are busy getting Fido's Freebie Friday spruced up with Doggies and Stuff. Here's the plan:

  • I'm adding a new tips feature to be announced tomorrow, geared toward helping bloggers who would like to get into product reviews.
  • You'll also see the return of Grab Bag prizes for a while. These fun surprise packages can contain almost anything related to pets. When you win one, be sure to tell me about your furry family member so I can select your surprises appropriately. And don't forget, some of these Grab Bag surprises will be for you!
  • We're creating a new button which we'll unveil in the coming weeks. Oh so fun!
  • Seeking to build our following of bloggers who link up each week, as well as readers who join in the entries, watch for more fun on this note.
  • Today we're announcing a free advertising package for bloggers. Here are the details:
Doggies and Stuff and All Things Dog Blog will each award 60 days of free advertising to two lucky bloggers. Our winners will get their button linked to their site, for 60 days of FREE advertising on both of our blogs. To enter this giveaway, simply work through the Rafflecopter below. Most of you know the drill. If you have trouble viewing it, simply click the post title to refresh and it should appear beneath the social media icons. 

One last detail: The two winning blogs will be announced on both of our sites late on Friday, April 6. Be sure to watch for your name when we announce winners. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow, that advertising package is a pretty sweet deal! I confess, other than commenting on other blogs and belonging to a couple of forums, I don't really advertise online at all.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow, as if the hop wasn't cool enough, the advertising giveaway is very cool! We love Freebie friday! It's my goal to be able to link up every week this year - we'll see how it goes, eh?

    We prefer to (try) to keep up with Google Reader.

  4. newsletters is my favorite way to keep up to date about fido's freebies friday

  5. I love just stopping by to check out the blog hop, but I also really like getting the twitter updates.

  6. Awesome giveaway!!! I try to keep up by hopping by a few times a week and also by following on Twitter!

  7. Congrats on all the great new improvements! Keep up the great work!


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