Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pet Prize Categories:
Super Dog Sunday™ Winnings

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Super Dog Sunday, 2011
Yesterday I tiptoed through the prizes, giving you a peek at what you can win on Sunday Dog Sunday™. While I have been careful not to divulge numbers, you'll be thrilled to see the great prize packages. Today's post is designed to share some insight on what you may win prizes for, both here and on Dogtipper, our partner in this charity event for Petfinder Foundation. I'm not going to spell it all out; after all, some surprises are always fun. Let's just give you an idea of what you may cash in on with your photo entries:

First, I'll touch on the pre-event ways to win:

BLOGGER PARTICIPATION:  Two blogging winners will each receive a 1 month ad on both and plus 2 bags each of Gringa Loka Dog Treats, a PetHub tag  with a $10 Gift Card, as well as a surprise gift from your hosts. We can't place a value on this total prize because advertising at All Things Dog Blog and Dogtipper is priceless, but your other gifts are valued at more than $40. You can get in on this action by entering through the Blogger Rafflecopter at this link. The countdown is on!

© p.s. reader copyright
Smudge, 2011

Both Dogtipper and All Things Dog Blog will be making sure you have ample snacking supplies for your Fido (aka Gringa Loka treats), a tracking system in case he takes off on his own (PetHub QR tags and memberships), and a commemorative football from Super Dog Sunday™. There will be two of these prizes valued at over $55, one drawn by each of our blogs.

There's still time to get your PreTweets in the running. Check out my post about this here.
On Sunday, February 5, we open for linkups at 8:00 AM EST. You can learn more about your options for entering in my left sidebar. Here are the categories for the photo contest:

CUTEST PHOTO: Our first photo winner to be named will be in this adorable category. This pup will snag a gigantic Snook's Sweet Potato Chew as a special prize from our dog lover banking sponsor, Wag.  In addition, this little cutie will score noshing goodies from Gringa Loka, a PetHub prize package and walking supplies from Tom Bihn. This winner will be chosen by the Event Barkers judges and is valued at about $135.

"Sweet Ginger, 2011"
MOST ORIGINAL PHOTO:  For those of you who really get creative, your prize package will include a Citizen Canine dog carryall from Tom Bihn, Gringa Loka treats, a PetHub prize package, and everybody loves the commemorative Super Dog Sunday™ football photo prop. This winner will take home a prize package valued at about $185, also to be chosen by the Event Barkers judges.

BEST DECKED OUT PHOTO: Calling all Photoshop lovers, this one is for you. If you've submitted an altered photo, adding a frame, including text or images to create a football theme, your photo will fall into this category. This lucky winner will get many of the same goodies as the previous two, including an autographed copy of Secrets of a Working Dog, to add to their approximated $160 value prize pack. This winner will be chosen by the Event Barkers judges.

MVP (Most Valuable Pup?):  Now it's your turn to play judge. Be sure to drop by the blog hop throughout the day and cast your votes for the photos you like best. Just click on the "Like" link under the photo to give your thumbs up to any pic you'd like to see grab the prize for this category. This winner's total prize will be around $65, and YOU are in charge of choosing who wins. Be sure to get out and vote!

BEST OVERALL PHOTO:  Our Best Overall category is akin to the grand prize. Running away with a PetHub Gold Membership, Gringa Loka treats, a Citizen Canine carryall, Ruffwear gift card from Wag and more, this winner will be crowned "Best Overall". Chosen by the Event Barkers judges, this winner will take home prizes worth $206.

Super Dog Sunday 2011
ONE MORE CATEGORY: Finally, you can even get in on this action by getting chatty. That's right; just drop by the blog hop on Sunday and leave us some comments about your favorites, your team, how you feel about the Game Day festivities, and more. There will be a drawing from comments at both and after the event closes. You got that right; there will two winners!

If you want to win in the comment category, visit both blogs and talk up the cute pups, kitties and whatever other pets may turn up. Your comments may win you a surprise package valued at $25 or more, including goodies from our sponsors.

Winners will be announced on Monday, February 6th. Be sure to stop in and see the parade, when we'll be showing off the photos and the winners. Watch for continuing coverage of our Super Dog Sunday™ plans throughout the week. Happy tails!

Super Dog Sunday™ is a charity event. All proceeds go to support rescue animals via Petfinder Foundation. You can help by donating at this link or by clicking the logo:


  1. Thank you for using Pauley James photo. we had such a good time participating last year & hope to do the same this year. Thank you for all that you do :)

  2. Is it too late to sign up? I followed the link you posted about how to register my tweets, but the link said that sign-up was closed. I'd love to participate!

  3. There is NO SIGN UP for the photo contest. If you'd like to submit an NFL-themed pic, just email it to If you're a blogger, link it up to the blog hop on Sunday. Thanks for asking!

  4. Peachy is a Boy and he likes water sports but for prizes, he'll compromise! Thanks guys for featuring him!

  5. Thank you for entertaining us with all of the cute photos! I know a lot of effort goes into this event. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

    Happy SuperDog Sunday and Congrats to the Giants on a great win!

    Love...Crystal and her Proud Family


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