Monday, February 27, 2012

Mutt Monday Looks for Your Pet Topics

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Optimized MuttMonday BadgeWhat's new in your pet world? Whether you're a blogger or a reader, I'd love to hear from you. News, changes, questions, new products? Whatever it is, feel free to spill in the comments section. It's always open for business.

Mutt Monday is intended to be an Anything Goes Pet Topics blog hop, where blogs can link up multiple posts of interest to many pet parents. Join in and browse the assortment below to see what's floats your boat. You can even use the "Like" links by each listing to vote for your favorites. 

Speaking of your favorites, how about we give a prize to a blog who gets the most votes? I'm liking this. We'll run with it for 3 weeks, and the winner will be the blog whose post gets the most "Likes" during those 3 weeks of Mutt Monday. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, March 13. 

© All Things Dog Blog
Toby's New Toy!
Bloggers may feel free to link up as many family-friendly, pet-related blog posts as they wish to each of the Mutt Monday hops: today, March 5 and 12. The winning  blogger will receive 30 days of advertising on All Things Dog Blog as well as another link in the winner's announcement.

Now let's get on with the excitement of gift giving. Two weeks ago I offered up an adorable monkey toy by Nylabone as a thank you for #MuttMonday participation. To enter, I requested either a linkup by a blogger or Tweets by anyone who wished to participate in the giveaway. And participate you did; thanks for joining in. The winner of the monkey toy is Michelle M and her dog Toby. Michelle happens to be one of the bloggers who linked up; you may enjoy visiting her blog, My Tail Hurts from Wagging So Much.

Watch for future giveaways to encourage more Mutt Monday action. Thanks again, and don't forget to vote for your favorites below:


  1. Congratulations to Toby! New toys are always fun! Last night at Wal Mart, I found what looked like a tennis ball but is "rubber reinforced". Our dreams answered? We'll find out.

  2. Thanks for sharing. We like your blog a lot.


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