Friday, February 17, 2012

Flush Puppies and Dog Pack Snacks
Go Home with Combo Pack Winners

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Time to Give it Up, Oliver
Flush Puppies and Dog Pack Snacks certainly did get your motors running. Thanks for your enthusiastic entries. Oliver feels the same way. 

Our friend Deb at Dog Pack Snacks shared a snack package with the boys and they were feeling pretty perky yesterday after a Pea-Nutter Cookie and a jerky treat. We hope our winners are equally delighted.

Each of you will get two 3-packs of Flush Puppies for the inevitable cleanup that happens when you walk your dog. These packages happen to be the wallet packs, but be aware that you can purchase Flush Puppies on a roll as well. They also have a variety of carriers, so be sure to check out the options as they have recently added to their choices, and these should be appearing on their website for sale very soon.

By the way, DID YOU KNOW...The Environmental Protection Agency recommends flushing of dog waste as the best method of protecting the environment from bacterial runoff into water bodies. Our wastewater management systems were created to process this "material" properly, disposing of it safely after treatment. And don't forget, when flushing your Flush Puppies bags, make sure they are left open--unknotted. With this method you'll be sure to have clear plumbing and happy tails!

Today's winners are Jennifer M, Victoria L, Lily K, and Kim T.O. These lucky ladies will receive an email from requesting their addresses. Watch those spam files if there is no email by Friday evening. 

For those of you who did win, feel free to order your own USA-made Dog Pack Snacks and flushable Flush Puppies at the links above. Additional giveaways are open on All Things Dog Blog and may be found linked in my middle sidebar individually, or at the page you'll visit when you click the image at right. Have a wonderful weekend!

These products were provided for this promotional giveaway by Flush Puppies and Dog Pack Snacks. I was not paid to run this giveaway. There was no purchase required to enter.


  1. Congrats to the winners!

    I'd never heard of Flush Puppies before. This bears further investigation.


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