Friday, February 24, 2012

#Fido's Freebie Friday Tweets-a-Flying!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© All Things Dog Blog
Treats for 3 Helpful Tweeters
Thanks for everyone who was helpful in getting the word out about Fido's Freebie Friday and our new, longer hours. Are you loving that we're open for linkups all week long now? Hope so!

I apologize for my late posting of winners this evening. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging, although generally it's the other way around. I've pulled a Tweetreach report to generate your tweets, and drawn three winners from the complete list. The winners of a bag of treats are @JBjerga, @Joyfullmom2 and @L_A_Frances.

Each of the winners will receive a DM as notification. Please reply with your mailing address to Your prizes will go out on Monday. 

Thanks again for your help and especially for the hard work you put into all those Tweets--wowzer! I'm impressed. Have a great weekend.

The TidNips treats provided in this giveaway were acquired as conference swag--free product for promotional exposure.

1 comment:

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