Friday, January 20, 2012

#SuperDogPics Backup Rain Date!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Martin Kimeldorf's Pixel Playground via
In Case of Rain....
 Are you wondering the same thing we are? What happens if Twitter is down at the time of #SuperDogPics? No worries. We've got your umbrella! Just to be prepared, we have chosen a Rain Date, an optional time when we will have the party if Twitter happens to have a sinking whale. You know the one...

So, if we're not on Twitter Sunday afternoon because of technical difficulties at Twitter, watch for #SuperDogPics at our alternate time:

#SuperDogPics Rain Date
Monday, January 23, 2012
9 PM - 10:30 PM EST

Check in early and be ready to party! Trust me, the prizes aren't going anywhere until we pull off this shindig, and that's a serious problem for my space issues here. So don't miss us.
Let's act like actors and say "break a leg". In that case, we'll see you Sunday at 3 PM EST.

Happy tails!

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