Friday, January 20, 2012

Petco Reversible Fleece Jackets
Give Pups a Warm Snuggle

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Tanner Did Not Give Up the Blue Jacket!
I tried. Really I did. Apparently dogs do care about color. Tanner insisted on keeping the blue jacket. Look at him; he looks very ferocious, right? What can I say; he stood his ground!

Enough about Tanner and his obstinate nature (!), let's get down to the business of handing out the other 5 jackets. Here are the names of the winners:

  • Olivia R snagged the large Red jacket
  • LMurley won the Large Orange jacket
  • The medium blue one goes to Romapr
  • The Red plaid was drawn by Shelley P
  • The medium Red and White jacket now belongs to DealBunny
Medium Jackets
We hope you will all be very warm this winter. Watch for an email from If you don't see it by Sunday morning, check your spam file or write to me. Finally, please be sure to let the folks at Petco know how appreciative you are for their generosity. Drop by their Facebook page and leave a little gratuitous note. Thanks!

Full disclaimer: The 6 jackets pictured here were provided as a promotional courtesy by Petco. I have not been compensated to give these away to you; however Tanner has chosen to keep 1 jacket for a chilly day. We'll call that a review sample :)  There is no purchase necessary to win. 


  1. Just went to ur page to vote and saw that we won. Nice suprise. Will go thank Petco FB for making sizes for retrievers. Hope to get out of work sunday for twitter party.

  2. I have one like this for my Cat!

  3. Tanner you look very handsome in the blue jacket. Since you are the model you deserve to have the jacket of your choice. WOO HOO Tanner you are the winner of the blue jacket!

    Sharon Gilbert

  4. Sharon - You are so funny! LOL Congrats Tanner : )

    Thank you Carrie!

  5. Tanner looks very handsome in blue. :)


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