© Carrie Boyko Scentwork: Great Fun for Fido! |
It's almost the New Year and I'm ready to add something to my repertoire. One of my favorite ways to interact with dog owners is by sharing fun activities to keep Fido's mental and physical muscles working. My new feature will do just that.
Each Saturday you'll find another way to add some puppy punch to your weekend. Sometimes I'll show you how to work the brain indoors on a rainy day. Other posts will offer tips on variety for active play.
From walking on leash to games for wide open spaces, I'll have something fun for you to share with your dog each and every Saturday. Join me. You won't regret it. Your dog will love you for the time you spend with her. Bonding will happen for both of you.
We'll start at the beginning, with Fido's first sense--SMELL! Scentwork is so basic to a dog's nature that you'll hardly have to offer instruction or reward. The game will be its own incentive. Let's get started:
- Grab a rag and rub some peanut butter on it.
- Leave your dog behind and choose a contained location to hide the rag--a fenced back yard, gated area, or even an indoor location where you can hide the rag without staining any furniture.
- Allow your dog to smell the peanut butter jar, or sniff a dab from your finger, and then send him off to "Find".
- Offer plenty of praise and encouragement as Fido grows warmer. Throw a "party" when she locates the rag, offering treats and praise and plenty of warm hugs.
- Keep the game easy at first, gradually building the difficulty of the hiding locations.
- Stop the game before Fido tires of the challenge; it should always end on a high note. A few minutes of Find will go a long way to tiring your dog's mind and assuring a great night's sleep.
- Change up the smells--cheese, steak, chicken, broth, your own body oil, and many more will work. Also use different items to locate. Many dogs will enjoy a game of "find the toy." Be sure to allow your pup to smell the toy before hiding it.
- Most of all, remember to keep it fun.
See you next week for a new idea to add to your weekly wag.

MyPetsDoctor.com said...
Greeting from the Pet Blog Hop. Scentwork sounds fun and entertaining. Have a great New Year!
bichonpawz said...
My girlz just LOVE playing games....ANY games!! Thanks for the tip!! Happy New Year!!
Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...
Love this idea!! Going to talk mom into playing it soon.. especially since it includes PEANUT BUTTER!!
Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack
Bassetmomma said...
What a great idea! Happy New Year!
Anonymous said...
Happy New Year you guys!!!! woo woo woo!
When I Grow Up I Want to be a Vet said...
Aw, fun game! Can't wait to hear the next tip! Happy New Year! ♥
Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...
I couldn't do the "peanut butter on the rag" because Dakota would try and EAT the rag!
Shelley P said...
The dogs love playing find it games! Although we always play in the house. I don't know why I've never taken it outside.....silly. Great way to change things up! Thanks for the great tips : ) The dogs are going to have a blast because they are always out there in the yard looking for the peanuts the squirrel buried LOL
Anonymous said...
Just exploring as just found all things dog on Facebook, but it doesn't show Facebook as option? Have never had a pup dog but have done version of fnd it with my sisters dog and one of his toys. Hardest part is getting him not following me for the hiding.
Cheryl aka Purr
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
@Cheryl: You'll find our Facebook link at the top of the left column under the menu bar, as well as at the bottom of each and every post.
You will find helpful tips on "Stay" at this post:http://www.allthingsdogblog.com/2012/02/weekly-wag-9-sit-stay-more-fetch.html Good luck!
cdmtx said...
thats sounds like great fun game :)
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