Now all we have to figure out is what's next? Tell us what you'd like to join in on for another such event--what products, subjects, themes or topics? What would it take to bring you back for another hour or two of fun tweeting? The comment link is open and I'm hoping to see you pour your hearts out. Meanwhile, enjoy these comments from some of our party attendees:
"peggyfrezon: @AllThingsDog @Dogtipper Best Twitter party ever!#SafeHowloween #Twitterparty"
"FiveSibesMom: Oh I had fun!"
" @AllThingsDog Will do! Thanks to u and @dogtipper for doing all the work for the #SafeHowloween party! It was lots of fun!"
"@cdmtx65 thanks!
"@DogsforthePAWS @DogTipper we had so much fun thx for hosting this great Pawty! #SafeHowloween @TerraPaws @BalancedCanine@FidoseofReality @AllThingsDog"
"@ShellChis Can't thank U enough 4 putting this all together! @DogTipper@AllThingsDog @FidoseofReality@BalancedCanine @TerraPaws #SafeHowloween So Fun"
"@YorkieTails thx to @allthingsdog @dogtipper @terrapaws @balancedcanine@fidoseofReality fun party! #SafeHowlOween"
"@croe321 Thanks @AllThingsDog @DogTipper @TerraPaws and@BalancedCanine loved #SafeHowloween ! Very informative, enjoyed reading everyone's comments."
"@SharonGilbert6 Great Fun! @AllThingsDog @DogTipper @FidoseofReality very interesting Good Night all. Schooner sleeping & snoring. Bed Time #SafeHowloween"
"@cynth201 Thanks @DogTipper @FidoseofReality @AllThingsDog@TerraPaws @BalancedCanine for the awesome #SafeHowloween #twitterparty."
"@DogPackSnacks Thanks to @dogtipper and @allthingsdog along with the great sponsors for a great party. We had a pawsome time #SafeHowloween"

Lanae said...
I would love for you and DogTipper to do something like this again for Christmas! That would be lots of fun!
Cynthia Downer said...
How about thanksgiving, with dog safety questions, training questions regarding things like counter surfing and begging, and thanksgiving/fall-related dog treat recipes? :)
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