© Carrie Boyko The Lucky Ones: Playing Tug at the Dog Park |
I visited my local rescue today to make a donation. Why don't I feel better?
That puts me on the "sorry" list. And there's further complications in that our home is placed on a lot that is completely compromised in the back by a pool and a lake--no land except a pathway to the water.
We've battled the county and the neighborhood association to figure out a solution for Tanner to have a place to run. Oliver, at 10 lbs., is able to get some pretty good sprints inside our home, on our large screened porch and pool area, and at his weekly visits to the dog park. Tanner, however, needs more. He's a Golden Retriever, bred to chase down the hunter's kill, and keenly in tune with his DNA.
To watch Tanner at the dog park, or even playing fetch in the pool, you know immediately that he's in his glory when on the chase. People often comment on his speed and the well trained "Drop it" that is one of his trademarks. "Drop It" was one command that was essential for him to live in a house where my husband's collection of precious baseball caps resides. A marriage is, after all, a huge priority.
When Tanner accompanied me today, he enjoyed greeting many adoptable dogs and other visitors to the PetSmart store where their weekly adoptions progress. I asked about about this "progress" and learned that this had been a slow weekend--only one adoption in 2 days. They are still seeking foster homes for the staggering number of dogs that were "awarded" to them when law enforcement closed a facility in a nearby county.
The good news is that nearly 3/4 of that batch of dogs have been adopted, yet I still saw many awaiting a furever home. As we observed, one volunteer brought out a beautiful black lab--friendly and playful--who had been with the rescue since birth. Volunteers believe that she has not been adopted because she is black--an unfortunate victim of "Black Dog Syndrome". After all, she is sweet, affectionate, beautiful and playful. Moreover she is young, healthy and able to be bonded with as many believe is best--from youth.
A few seniors reside with this group, and a few who are in need of expensive medical procedures sit patiently awaiting the fundraising to allow them to be treated for heart worms or get a needed surgery.
It was heart-wrenching to walk out, knowing that I could not take a foster. My own dogs must go out on a leash, and sometimes suffer for it. I'm so grateful for the numerous dog parks we have, a refuge from the leash-laws that insist dogs always remain tethered to us. Sure, I understand, probably better than most, the purpose of these laws. It doesn't make it any easier for the dogs though. Enough rambling. Catch ya'll next week at the next edition of the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop, that is, if it happens. We'll all be at Blogpaws, hobknobbing with one another about pets, pet products, social media and blogging. Hopefully we'll be here too.
As always, this event is sponsored by Life with Dogs, Confessions of the Plume and Two Little Cavaliers. The rules for linking up to this event are posted here, as copied from Life with Dogs on 8/1/11. Happy hopping!

- Link up your pet blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below. You only need to add your link once to be seen on all the Saturday Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week. Note that if your blog is not pet related your link will be removed. Also note that only one post per blog is acceptable, and links promoting giveaways that are unrelated to the pet blogger hop will be removed. This is a community building exercise and not a promotional vehicle – please treat it as such.
- Grab the “Saturday Pet Blogger Blog Hop” button on the right hand side of this site and include it in your Saturday Blog hop post so that your readers will know what is going on. *Note – posting is optional. Feel free to just link and follow.
- Follow your co-hosts listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool.
- Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you’d like.
- Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you’re from the blog hop.
- Follow back when you get a new follower through the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop.
- Make friends and grow. ♥

Sage said...
That would be tough not to have a good place for Tanner to run. We spend a lot of time at dog parks too as our back yard is not conducive to a lot of running either.
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