© Carrie Boyko Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood |
© Carrie Boyko Oliver Models Classic Gray |
The Thundershirt works much like swaddling a baby. For those of you not familiar with this term, it's similar to a snug wrap that, by nature of its tight fit, has a calming effect thereby allowing the dog to relax a bit.
© Carrie Boyko Darkness Descends |
There's just one thing he always does first. He checks on Tanner. It's sort of cute, this brotherly love business. Oliver watches through the door as Tanner swims, even as I've already put his Thundershirt on in preparation for the coming storm.
© Carrie Boyko Out of the Pool, You Nut! |
Back in the house, Oliver finds solace in a bed near my desk, and as the thunder begins and rain pours down, I can't help but notice that there is a subtle shift in his behavior. When he used to hop onto my lap and shake, he now will lay up to 10 feet away from me, rarely raising his head to acknowledge more than the loudest of bolts.
© Carrie Boyko Zzzzz....... |
Oliver's Thundershirt is the classic, original heather gray model. Now the company has gathered their fashion sense and decided to begin offering the shirt in cute styles for the more fashion savvy.
© courtesy Thundershirt.com |
Okay, so let's see if there are some other pups out there who need a Thundershirt. I've got a mission to give away 3 of these soothing, classic gray Thundershirts to help your pooch wear a happier demeanor during rainy season.
A quick note to those of you who enjoy entering photos. In the wake of higher volume pictures, I'm asking you to post your own photos to Thundershirt's Facebook page, thereby allowing them to leave YOU their comments. You can do the same at my page if you wish, so my comments to you will appear in your own FB stream. Email photos will continue to be accepted if you are not a Facebook user or if you'd like a chance at seeing your photo featured on the blog. Send them to AllThingsDogBlog@gmail.com. Here's more on how to enter our giveaway:
- Entries all come back to comments. No matter what the form of entry, you must still leave a comment here to register that entry for the drawing.
- Tell us about your dog's anxieties--storms? separation? travel? crating? barking? Thundershirt has been shown to help many types of anxious behavior.
- "Like" All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook. Be sure to leave a comment and tell them All Things Dog Blog sent you! Leave a comment telling me you've "Liked" us.
- For 4 entries to this drawing, print a photo of your dog, or a photo from this post. Add some words like "I Like Thundershirt and All Things Dog Blog" or "Thank You Thundershirt and All Things Dog Blog" to the sign and post it at both of our Facebook pages. Don't forget to tell us your dog's name, and follow up with a comment here to register your entry.
- Subscribing to All Things Dog Blog gets you another entry, whether by email or RSS. Leave a comment telling me you're a subscriber.
- Follow @AllThingsDog and @Thundershirt on Twitter. Be sure to comment about this!
- Tweet this great giveaway: "Thanks @AllThingsDog 4 hooking us up to your @Thundershirt Giveaway", and don't forget to comment that you've completed this entry.
- Hit the Tweet/Retweet button at the top of this post for another entry.
- Surprise: You can even watch a YouTube video about Thundershirt and comment there, as long as you let me know here.
- Want to know more? Visit the Training Center or the How it Works page.
© Carrie Boyko Calm Again Thanks Thundershirt! |
Are you considering ordering your own Thundershirt? Keep in mind that they offer a 45 day money back guarantee if the product does not help your dog. What have you got to lose?
You can order through their website or many other online locations such as Amazon. You'll also find Thundershirt at many stores like Pet Supermarket; that's how popular this great product has become, with its veterinarian backing and tons of testimonials. Oliver adds himself to that list!
Entries may be made once daily for each method. Entries close at 5 PM, Thursday, July 28, 2011. Winners will be selected by Random.org. The winners will be announced on Friday afternoon, July 29th. A method of contact is required to win: Twitter handle, email, blog URL.
Good luck to everyone who enters. Be sure to check back on Friday afternoon, July 29th, to see who the winners are. Happy tails!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 209 Newer› Newest»svberge said...
Our dog, Sophie seems to have somewhat gotten over her fear of thunder...But then we started going to the lake on the weekends. People there enjoy lighting off fireworks and firecrackers. Sophie has never been more petrified! Poor little girl - she runs and hides under the nearest table she can find. She gets so scared that she won't even take a peanut butter treat. I'm sure that the Thundershirt would help her through this.
svberge said...
I "Like" All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook & let them know All Things Dog Blog sent me!
svberge said...
I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog via RSS.
svberge said...
I posted a photo of Sophie saying "I like Thundershirt and All Things Dog Blog" on both Facebook pages.
svberge said...
I follow @AllThingsDog and @Thundershirt on Twitter as svberges.
svberge said...
I tweeted:
Anonymous said...
I follow all things dog blog and thundershirt on twitter.
Anonymous said...
Torrey has anxiety around crowds, and with loud noises.
Anonymous said...
I like both of you on facebook
Anonymous said...
I posted a photo on both facebook pages
Cynthia said...
All of my dogs are afraid of fire and fireworks. We enjoy having bonfires some nights outside and that makes the dogs anxiety ridden, even though they are inside. My biggest dog Jack is the one who is most afraid! crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Cynthia said...
I like All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook.
Cynthia said...
I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog. crzycoookies@yahoo.com
Cynthia said...
I watched the video on youtube. The "talking dog" is cute haha. crzycoookies@yahoo.com
cstironkat said...
Kouga is afraid of Thunderstorms, other than that he is a real calm dog.
cstironkat said...
I Like" All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook as Kelly Ann T.
cstironkat said...
I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog thru email.
cstironkat said...
7/21 Thank you tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94155973765234689
cstironkat said...
7/21 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94156424590004225
Ashley Clark said...
I tweeted today
Ashley Clark said...
I retweeted today
Ashley Clark said...
My pup Lola has really bad anxiety when we leave the house and occasionally when we travel. We will not crate her and put her under a plane so whenever we made our 1500 mile journey it makes for a long 2 days. We'd love to try anything to help calm her anxieties.
Ashley Clark said...
I Like All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on FB
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I subscribe to ATDB via email
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I follow both on twitter!
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I loved the YouTube Video and highly recommend it!! I posted on the video Carrie! : )
crichmanfreebies said...
I have a little chihuahua who is very skittish with loud noises and tends to hide or come to me wanting to be held. I would love to try this out with him, Ihate whe he is scared.
crichmanfreebies said...
like u both on fb and commented on their page that you sent me
crichmanfreebies said...
following u both on twitter @crichmanfreebie
crichmanfreebies said...
watched the youtube video, love the talking dog
crichmanfreebies said...
gfc follower
shilohsmom said...
I subscribe to All Things Dog Blog!
Shiloh would love a Thundershirt. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I liked All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook! Shiloh is terrified of storms and would love a Thundershirt! shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture on Thundershirt and All Things Dog Blog facebook pages. Shiloh may be a big dog, but he makes himself as small as he can get when there's thunder. It's amazing how a big dog can make himself look so small!
shilohsmom said...
I told Thundershirt All Things Blog sent me. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I follow All Things Dog and Thundershirt on Twitter. shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I tweeted "Thanks @AllThingsDog 4 hooking us up to your @Thundershirt Giveaway". shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I Retweeted! shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I watched and commented on Thundershirt's YouTube video. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
Whew! I hope I did all the entries correctly! Can ya tell Shiloh really wants me to win this for him? lol
Sara said...
my dog has some serious separation
sara (at) theniffs (dot) com
Sara said...
i like you and thundershirt on fb!!
sara (at) theniffs (dot) com
Sara said...
i follow you and thundershirt on twitter
sara (at) theniffs (dot) com
Sara said...
tweet 07-22-11
sara (at) theniffs (dot) com
Sara said...
I retweeted
sara (at) theniffs (dot) com
Sara said...
i commented on the thundershirt youtube video!
sara (at) theniffs (dot) com
Ashley Clark said...
I retweeted today
Ashley Clark said...
I original tweeted today
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo on facebook today
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo on fb
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo on FB
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo today
Juju and Elly said...
I have two Chihuahuas. Juju is afraid of thunderstorms and Elly has major seperation anxiety. I like All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook.
Juju and Elly said...
I also subscribe to All Things Dog Blog via email.
Michelle Spayde said...
I posted a pic and comment on Thunder Shirt's Facebook Page
Michelle Spayde said...
Sarah's a puppy mill survivor/rescue so thunderstorms are just one of her fears, but definitely one of the worst.
Sarah's also afraid of:
1. People
2. Cars
3. Frogs (we have a pond in the back yard)
4. The refrigerator
5. Any sudden noise or movement
Oh, I could type all day, but you get the idea!
Michelle Spayde said...
I Like All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook. I also commented on their wall
Michelle Spayde said...
Photo comment #2 --
FINALLY uploaded the correct photo with our "sign" on Thunder Shirt's Facebook page (tagged All Things Dog Blog)!
Michelle Spayde said...
Photo comment #3 --
FINALLY uploaded the correct photo with our "sign" on Thunder Shirt's Facebook page (tagged All Things Dog Blog)!
Michelle Spayde said...
Photo comment #4 --
FINALLY uploaded the correct photo with our "sign" on Thunder Shirt's Facebook page (tagged All Things Dog Blog)!
Michelle Spayde said...
I'm an email subscriber!
Michelle Spayde said...
I Follow @AllThingsDog and @Thundershirt on Twitter under @Arniebelle
Michelle Spayde said...
I tweeted the above text!
Michelle Spayde said...
I hit the retweet button
Michelle Spayde said...
I watched the you tube video and commented there.
Fantastic video!
cstironkat said...
7/22 thank you tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94537194659782657
cstironkat said...
7/22 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94539401203429376
cstironkat said...
I would love to win this for Kouga who suffers from anxiety during thunderstorms.
cman said...
Fireworks is one..
cman said...
I subscribed by email.
cman said...
Now following GFC (Gianna).
Ashley Clark said...
I retweeted today
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo today on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo today on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I tweeted today
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded a photo today on facebook
Ashley Clark said...
I uploaded on facebook
Was redirected to another site so I'm not sure it went through??
cstironkat said...
I don't know why Kouga is afraid of storms but fireworks and other noises don't bother him.
cstironkat said...
7/23 Thanks tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94908279796400129
cstironkat said...
7/23 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/94909034729189376
Anna Galanos said...
Man, let me tell you about anxiety with my dogs. We have six, and I own three. Daisy and Scruffy have separation anxiety, but Daisy the most. She once ripped up carpet under the door at my cousin's mom's house in Oklahoma because we left to go out and I had not begun to use crates or learned about the benefits yet. I was mortified and I am so glad I didn't have to pay to recarpet the whole upstairs because of that gigantic chunk missing. Scruffy does not like thunderstorms at all. He mostly sleeps under the bed which I try and get him to not do anymore because he electrocuted himself once on a lamp cord (another story). If there are thunderstorms he will get into bed with me and lay on top of me and paw at my face saying "Mommy, I'm scared please love on me." I will pet him and give him kisses and then a few minutes later he will get next to me or find a spot somewhere on the TWIN bed, by the way, and go to sleep. Bambi has an anxiety about other people. I was really depressed (and learned to be honest no matter what or how people react now) when I got him. I got Scruffy 300 miles away on the 3 month anniversary of my Barkley's death (who had to be put down 5 days before Christmas) and 10 days later my mom saw Chihuahuas being sold in the Walmart parking lot so that's how I ended up with Bambi. I had previously gotten Daisy in July and Barkley died in December. Anyway, I was really depressed and didn't leave the house except for high school in 2008 and it's 2011 and only now am I starting to feel better and get out of my hermit phase. So I don't take my dogs to Petsmart or Petco or dog parks because they will get fleas if they go into those stores or earmites. I have had it happen before and I have so much anxiety about fleas and once I get them, my hair literally falls out because of the stress. So Bambi is not social, will continually bark at people that come into the house, not only because my exstepsister smells like a vet clinic, but because he thinks he is protecting me. All I can do is tell him "no" and hold him or stick him in the same room with us so he can get used to new people and it is a very long process. Sorry this comment is so long, but you know dog people, once they start, it's hard to stop!
Anna Galanos said...
I "Like" All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook.
Anna Galanos said...
I Subscribe to All Things Dog Blog via GFC.
Anna Galanos said...
I Follow @AllThingsDog and @Thundershirt on Twitter.
Anna Galanos said...
I tweeted the "thank you."
Anna Galanos said...
I tweeted about this giveaway!
Anna Galanos said...
I left a comment on this YouTube video and they really need to change the title!
YouTube username: annaisabanana08
LindaP said...
My oldest dog wasnt afraid til last year, the vet said it was probably an increased sensitivity to sound as he entered his geriatric years. My poor old puppy, he needs a thunder shirt.
Ashley Clark said...
I retweeted today (Sun)
shilohsmom said...
I tweeted the "thank you" today. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
Ashley Clark said...
(from retweet) http://twitter.com/#!/ashley41jones/status/95219576471691264
and regular tweet
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Sunday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Sunday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Sunday
shilohsmom said...
I retweeted today. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Sunday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Monday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Monday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Monday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Monday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Tuesday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Tuesday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Tuesday
Ashley Clark said...
Posted a pic for Tuesday
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to All Things Dog Blog and Thundershirt on Facebook today. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
rj7777 said...
I have 3 dogs. I have 2 bichon brothers. They are 7 years old. I live at the Oregon coast and there is celebrations and party's going on at the beach all the time. I never know when booms will go off. I love the fireworks but one of my bichons will climb the walls, shake, scratch the walls and literally goes crazy a great anxiety attack. He even starts to shake when the price is right comes on, or the bells on Bill O'Reily when they are having a contest. It sets him off and no comforting will stop his attack except Acepromazine and this takes a while. I would love to try one of these! Rita Spratlen rj_angel_house@yahoo.com
rj7777 said...
I like All things dog blog and thundershirt on facebook. Rita Spratlen
rj7777 said...
e-mail subscriber rj_angel_house@yahoo.com Rita Spratlen
rj7777 said...
I follow All things dog and thundershirt on twitter. rjs7777 Rita Spratlen
rj7777 said...
I retweeted using the button above at http://twitter.com/#!/rjs7777/status/95222118681280512
rj_angel_house@yahoo.com Rita Spratlen
rj7777 said...
I watched the you tube video and subscribed to thundershirts. rjs77771
rj_angel_house@yahoo.com Rita Spratlen
rj7777 said...
I tweeted about this giveaway at http://twitter.com/#!/rjs7777/status/95227859844595712
rj_angel_house@yahoo.com Rita Spratlen
Gloria Walshver said...
My dog rocky is a little frightened of thunderstorms but doesn't panic.
Gloria Walshver said...
i follow All things dog and thundershirt on Twitter.
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to Thundershirt's Facebook page today. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 2/4 shilo_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 3/4 shilo_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 4/4 shilo_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to Thundershirt FB today. 2/4 shilo_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to Thundershirt FB today. 3/4 shilo_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a picture to Thundershirt FB today. 4/4 shilo_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a photo to All Things Dog Blog facebook 7/21. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a photo to All Things Dog Blog facebook 7/21. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
I posted a photo to All Things Dog Blog facebook 7/21. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
Sara said...
7/24 my dog has separation anxiety and i think that this thundershirt would really help.
sara (at) theniffs (dot) com
cstironkat said...
7/24 I have noticed with the increased storms, Kouga is more anxious than usual
cstironkat said...
7/24 thank you tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/95333192734744576
cstironkat said...
7/24 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/95333887181471744
shilohsmom said...
Tweeted thanks today. shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Re-tweeted today. shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog Facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog Facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog Facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog Facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
We're expecting thunderstorms today. Shiloh wishes he had a thundershirt! shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
cstironkat said...
Kouga only shows anxiety during thunderstorms. Even when I take him in new situations he is thrilled and happy to go.
cstironkat said...
7/25 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/95578267293204480
cstironkat said...
7/25 thank you tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/95578723876737024
Michelle Spayde said...
Tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/arniebelle/status/95688112054861824
Michelle Spayde said...
I hit the Retweet Button
shilohsmom said...
Tweeted the thanks today. shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Re-tweeted today. shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Maybe the Thundershirt will work for fireworks too. Thunder and fireworks are Shiloh's biggest fears, and the neighbors are still doing fireworks.
cstironkat said...
7/26 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/95985561180962818
cstironkat said...
7/27 Thank you tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/95985567917023232
cstironkat said...
Kouga only seems to be afraid of thunderstorms.
cstironkat said...
#1 I posted a photo of Kouga to All Things Dog blog and Thundershirt FB pages.
cstironkat said...
#2 I posted a photo of Kouga to All Things Dog blog and Thundershirt FB pages.
cstironkat said...
#3 I posted a photo of Kouga to All Things Dog blog and Thundershirt FB pages.
cstironkat said...
#4 I posted a photo of Kouga to All Things Dog blog and Thundershirt FB pages.
Michelle Spayde said...
I hit the retweet button, and here is the link
Michelle Spayde said...
Tweeted the text as shown in the giveaway directions
shilohsmom said...
Tweeted today. shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Re-tweeted today. shiloh777 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
cstironkat said...
There are so many dogs who are afraid of Thunderstorms just like Kouga.
cstironkat said...
7/27 Thanks tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/96311451685363712
cstironkat said...
7/27 retweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/96312708542111744
Jessica said...
We liked both FB pages. Mack is frightened by loud noises, which then makes her bark incessantly.
shilohsmom said...
Once we get Shiloh's thunder fear under control, he asks if someone would please invent something for his bug phobia. lol! Yep, my big boy is scared of bugs. He used to play with them, until a cicada latched on to the roof of his mouth and he couldn't get it off and I had to pry it loose. Now when he sees a bug, he runs and hides under the table. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
Jessica said...
Just subscribed to your RSS feed.
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
Michelle Spayde said...
I hit the re-tweet button today
Michelle Spayde said...
Tweeted the above text today
Ashley Clark said...
I retweeted today
Ashley Clark said...
I regular tweeted today
shilohsmom said...
Tweeted today. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Re-tweeted today. shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to All Things Dog Blog facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
cstironkat said...
I'm crossing my fingers hoping to win a Thundershirt for Kouga who hates storms.
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 1/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 2/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 3/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
shilohsmom said...
Posted a pic to Thundershirt facebook today. 4/4 shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
cstironkat said...
7/28 Thanks tweet http://twitter.com/cstironkat/status/96626032668442624
shilohsmom said...
We had fun participating in this contest. Thanks! shiloh_acres@yahoo.com
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