of Rescued Insanity
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© M. Steward |
This isn’t a typical boy-meets-dog story. After all, neither Darby the husky mix, nor Drew the young child, are quite conventional. The book begins with the author and her son, Drew, attending an adoption event at a local pet store. Instead of rushing toward the energetic puppies, the two think carefully about the kind of dog who will best fit their lifestyle. Once they spot quiet Darby, relaxing in his crate, they take the time to get to know him first before making the big decision to bring him home. This way they ensured that not only would they be happy with Darby, but he would be equally happy with them. It’s an important message for all who are thinking of owning a dog.
The rest of the book goes on to illustrate the funny and interesting ways in which a dog added to the life of Drew and his mother. As the boy grew up, Darby was there to keep him entertained. Sometimes it seemed Darby was more of a sibling than a pet. The two even competed for prime seating in the car. Throughout the story, the small family went through many changes. They moved to a farm and adopted several other animals. Each one, especially the cat, provided a new challenge for Darby. I enjoyed Steward’s insertion of her guesses at what could be on his mind. Like many dog owners, I often do the same.
© courtesy M.S. book image |
In my opinion, Darby’s Story is the perfect bed-time story book. While younger children may have a difficult time grasping some of the concepts, I think all would enjoy snuggling down to hear about Darby’s fun adventures with his multi-species family. I know the photo of the large dog sleeping with the baby goat will give me pleasant dreams for many nights to come.
Want to win a copy of Darby's Story for a special child in your life? Comments here on this post, as well on about this post on our Facebook page, will be entered in a special drawing to win a free copy of Darby's Story. The winner's name will be announced next week on March 11, 2011.
More on Darby's Story:
The website
The blog
Authorhouse (to purchase your own copy)
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Kristine Tonks is a former history student who has recently discovered a passion for all things dog; she writes Rescued Insanity. If she hadn't adopted her dog, Shiva, from the shelter when she did, the piles of books would have taken over her house. Kristine feels that rescuing Shiva is by far the best thing she has ever done. Kristine also reviewed A Small Furry Prayer Dog Rescue and the Meaning of Life here on All Things Dog Blog.
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© courtesy K. Tonks |

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AJ said...
This sounds like a fantastic story to read with The Monkey at bedtime. Count me in!
Lavinia said...
That sounds like a lovely story. It reminds me of the many books my dad used to read to me when I was little. Thanks for sharing!
Patti said...
I wish more people would research the best dog to rescue who would fit with their family and do training immediately for them and the dog....maybe so many wouldn't end up in shelters. This sounds like a wonderful book and I'll have to put it on my reading list :)
NIKI Maas said...
GOTTO LOVE RESCUE STORIES!!! You know me, i have loads of them, but just dont have the nack for writing a book.. love any doggy stories.. the one I share is chicken soup for the dogs soul..
Melissa Travis said...
You write such good reviews, Carrie. I teared up when you mentioned dog's not having enough time here with us. This sounds like a great book, for adults & kids.
I don't read to my dog, he gives me looks like he's thinking, 'what the hell is she saying?? I didn't hear the words treat, dinner or outside so I'm not going to pay attention.' I do talk to him, though. I still get the same look. lol
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Such a nice comment, Melissa. However, all the credit for this review goes to Kristine Tonks of http://www.rescuedinsanity.com. You're right; she does an excellent book review. Be sure to check her other one listed at the bottom of this one. Just scroll up.
Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...
Great review!
Your "more like a sibling than a pet" comment reminded me of the relationship my brother had with our dog, Tobi, when we were kids. Those 2 did EVERYTHING together!
Sounds like a great book!
HoundDogMom said...
We love any type of dog book story. We would love to add this to our collection. Sniffs, The Hounddogs
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