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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rabbits Cheer on their Team: Super Dog Sunday Gets Pet Hopping

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Linda Wilson Fuoco at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Thanks to the Bunny Jean Cook for discovering this gem. In Pittsburgh there was a big event for rabbits called the Bunny Bowl yesterday. They got to run around free in an area set up like a football field--just for rabbits. How clever is that? Our family's rabbit, Robby, would have love to participate in that event.

© Carrie Boyko
Marc Adopted Robby as a 'Pup'
In our family, Robby would have to be a Packers fan; it's sort of an unwritten rule. What do you think; shall we ask Marc to pull off a footbal pic with this little nose wiggler?

Thanks for joining us for the first annual Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop here at All Things Dog Blog and 5 Minutes for Fido. The action is also going on at our Facebook page throughout the afternoon, as well as on Twitter. After you “Like” us at Facebook, be sure to “Follow” us on Twitter.  Don’t miss out on any of the photos, videos, commentary and all-out silliness as we continue to celebrate Super Bowl XLV with our own brand of Fido fun!


FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Heck, the Humans are going to a y'all come by...rabbits too!

Hawk aka BrownDog

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