This year my pack and I are not into the usual Halloween stuff. Tanner and Oliver will be dressing in honor of Xena. Me? I'll be wearing a Tshirt from Freaky Dog People. Sounds perfect for Halloween, right? It's not as scary as it might come off, but the designs are just as cute as a Teacup Yorkie, and oh so soft to the skin.
© courtesy Freaky Dog People
I Can't Decide on a Favorite...
Which one's Yours?
Can you tell I love hearts? I like this design too, but alas, I don't have any pink shorts or jeans to do it justice. My daughter does, though. Maybe I'll get this one for her birthday. Let's see what else I can do with my wardrobe and their designs....© courtesy Freaky Dog People
Dog's Best Friend probably suits me best, but I'm still shopping. Internet shopping is so crowds, no lines, no driving. What could be better?
© courtesy Freaky Dog People
Heart Paw is Adorable!
As I continue through their site, I hit pay dirt--the perfect shirt for me. "Home is Dog" is the winner of my heart. Sold! To the lady with the Golden Retriever on her shoulders!
All silliness aside, I've got to tell you guys that this product review is a test. I'm trying to figure out if there are any dog-related products that you're interested in buying from my site. And not for the reasons you might think. I'm not out to make a million bucks off this website, but only to pay my expenses and maybe find enough left over to start a trust for the creation of dog parks, and/or to help rescues. We couldn't live without dog parks here in suburban Florida, where undeveloped land is not a commodity. Dogs need to be able to run and play off-leash, and learn to socialize with their own kind. I'm passionate about that.
So, here's my question: "Do you love these Tshirts?" You can show your love, and win one of these shirts by entering my drawing. Here's the rules for entering:
- Leave a comment about the Tshirts or the giveaway at the COMMENTS link below, on my Facebook page, or at 5 Minutes for Fido.
- Enter/comment as often as you like; feel free to share your thoughts about products for sale on my site. I really want to know how you feel.
- Tweet @All Things Dog Blog about the great designs or the FreakyDogPeople Tshirt giveaway.
Okay, the clock is ticking. You can enter from right now through Thursday, November 4th at 5 p.m., OR you can buy yourself a Freaky Dog People Tshirt by clicking any of the above designs to take you to Freaky Dog People's site. Let's get Freaky!
Full disclosure: These Tshirts have been donated to All Things Dog Blog by Freaky Dog People for an independent review. I have not been paid to provide my opinion of these products, and the opinion provided is my own.

Help protect our precious dog parks
© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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Anonymous said...
I LOVE the Heart Paw tee. So stinkin' cute! Perfect for long walks with Gus <3
Elizabeth said...
First off, I LOVE the shirt you're wearing in the picture! But I also love the one where the dog is tugging on the heart. I think I'm going to have to check out their website and I'm glad they donate some of their money to a good cause. :)
Elizabeth said...
Just had to say I love the shirts! They are so awesome. How come I have never heard of this company before? Carrie-- are they new?
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Lizzi: I don't know exactly when they launched, but I gather they are in growth mode. There will be more coming. For now, these are definitely adorable. I like that they are not just a guy's baggy T; they have a nice fit for us ladies. I hope to sell them here one day soon. What do you think?
Molly said...
I adore the paw print one & have been planning a tattoo just like that for some time now, so I must have that one! Very cool shirts and it's wonderful that they're Alternative Apparel shirts, too.
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