(c) Carrie Boyko Corey Needs a Forever Home |
If you're in the market for a pup to adopt, you can hardly go wrong with a Retriever. Their people-pleasing, playful demeanor is fun for most everyone except perhaps the elderly or a person with physical disabilities. I say this only because they tend to be bigger dogs. Female Labs being the smallest can weigh up to about 70 lbs, while male Labradors can easily reach 90+ pounds.
You'll never find a more devoted, loyal, and friendly dog (did I just say that to a bunch of dog lover? Oops!) You guys surely know that I love, love, love ALL dogs, right? But Retrievers hold a special place in my heart because of their love for water and activity. It's just a good match for my passions.
Another common characteristic of a Retriever is their receptive nature with other pets. Just about any dog you bring home as a companion will be quickly enfolded into the pack, even cats and rabbits.
Highly trainable, Retrievers are wonderful swimming and hiking companions, and excel at obedience events as well as many other sports. Tanner is a Fetching maniac!
If you, like my family, enjoy the spirit of an active, fun dog that loves to show its affection, I hope you will consider adopting or fostering one of the 250 Labs that have been taken in by A New Beginning. You can view some of their photos and bios at the link.
(c) Carrie Boyko
Oliver approves of Corey's Decor!
If you happen to stop in at the Petsmart adoption events held each weekend at 436 in Altamonte Springs, be sure to check out Corey, the lab pictured here. He enjoyed socialization hour with Oliver. Tanner's enthusiasm was a bit more than his timid nature was ready for, but I'm certain he'll come around. He's an adorable and gentle boy. Think about it...you know you want a Lab!(c) Carrie Boyko
Corey Wears the Collars
I Donated for the Labs

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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Nature by Dawn said...
Maya is definitely a very agreeable lab. She loves people, does well with children, and is great with other dogs. One issue with her, though, is she gets overly excited. She tugs on her leash whenever she sees a person or other dog and will jump on and lick people if given half the chance. Although I work with her on these issues, when she gets excited all training goes out the window. I call it Goofy Lab Syndrom. But she is worth every moment. I really really love my lab.
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
I love the "goofy lab syndrome". Tanner has that too. He's such a ham. That's why he got the "cover dog" job at 5 Minutes for Fido.
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