Imagine you are a rescue organization. Today you take in 10 labs. Now multiply that by 25 and you'll get a sense of what A New Beginning is up against.
The result of a complicated legal mess in nearby Polk County, A New Beginning was recently awarded custody of more than 250 Labs and Lab mixes. The need is enormous. Food, medical care, dishes, flea and heart worm preventives all are on the wish list that seems impossible to manage.
All of A New Beginning's dogs are cared for in foster homes. This makes for a particularly tough transition, when so many dogs are acquired all at once. If you are able to adopt a Lab, foster a Lab (or two?), volunteer, or donate, please visit A New Beginning to learn more. You can also check out Labs in Need, where the story of this sudden flow of Labs is unfolding as I write.
If you are able to help, I have a few small prizes to hand out as thank yous. Leave a comment about your involvement or donation, or send me an email (LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com) and I'll send you a thank you, as long as the trinkets hold out.
Today, all over the U.S. bloggers are posting about a pet cause, pet rescue or pet charity. You can learn more about the Blog the Change for Animals day at this link. Be sure to tell them I sent you, and enjoy a few fun new places to read up your pets:
Anonymous said...
Three beautiful dogs at polk county sherrifs office in need of rescue, or they will have horrible fate of being uthinized. Two year old female, named Girbalena, her puppy Fat boy.and fat boys dad Bruiser. These dogs never bit or attacked anyone and the woman they took the dogs from loved the dogs and is broken from the thought of them being put to sleep. Please help these dogs make it to a rescue or shelter. Thank you.
Life's Abundance said...
Thank you so much for writing this. You are doing a great and good service for all who read this . Be proud of the love for him that you express.
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