© Bow Wow Resort
Tanner Enjoys Visiting his Neighbor
During Naptime
Does your dog whine or tuck his tail between his legs when you arrive at your vet's boarding facility? Perhaps you've received that dreaded phone call that he was howling all night, wouldn't eat, or refused to play during his brief interlude with sunshine.
Pet sitters are a good alternative for those dogs that are not socialized or crate trained, allowing them to stay comfortably in their own homes. However, your dog does need to be able to manage his lonely time without destroying your home, while you are gone. If at all possible, try to get a pet sitter that will give your dog a vigorous walk or other exercise, to assure he is in resting mode when she locks the door behind her.
This morning I droppped off my dogs at our favorite boarding facility. It's not one of those posh places where the pool is dogbone shaped and all services are ala carte. It is a free-for-all, outdoor play facility. No crates, no menus of activities to pay separately for, just lots of fun with friends and multiple areas to run, climb, splash and tumble through. To Xena, Tanner, and Oliver, this is their home away from home. When we turn the corner toward Bow Wow Resort, they start their enthusiastic yodels and cat calls--pun intended.
As we enter, Xena and Oliver do a funny little hop-spin that indicates "I'm so happy!" and off they go to find their friends. Tanner did not even look back to say goodbye. As every mom who ever dropped off a child to daycare or 'moms morning out' knows, that is a good sign the kid loves it there.
It is very quiet at home. I miss them. But in a couple of hours, I'll be leaving for a brief vacation, and I can do this safe in the knowledge that my pups are happy and having fun. What's more is that when I pick them up, they will let me know this with a welcoming kiss and a very, very, very long nap as they drop inside the front door when we arrive home. That's my assurance that they had fun. Sleep well, gang. Momma will be home soon.
Related Reading:
Bow Wow Resort--Hang with the Ruff Crowd (a.k.a. Adventures at Doggie Daycare)
Whose Mom is that, Guys?--a 5 Minutes for Fido commentary
Help protect our precious dog parks
© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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Nature by Dawn said...
Maya LOVES the free-for-all doggie boarding kennels where she can play with other dogs during the day. Sephi, on the other hand, does not enjoy being around a bunch of other dogs and would much rather be left at home and be visited by a pet sitter.
I think it is important to try to accommodate what is best for your pets. It would be such a nightmare for Sephi if she was in a boarding kennel for two weeks. And Maya, who is very sociable, would be so depressed if she was left at home with only infrequent visits by a pet sitter.
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Absolutely! We have some cat condo boarding places in our area, and I cannot imagine my cat there. She is the typical aloof feline. When we travel, she gets a kitty-sitter. When alone, she often will approach the sitter for her daily dose of affection, but would not do this if she had a houseful of cats to avoid.
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