A Guest Post by Niki,
An All Things Dog Blog Reader
Loved to Show Off in Cute Outfits
ALLIE WOO-WOO was brought to the no kill rescue I volunteered at, hairless and very ill, in 2005. We didn't know if she was a Chihuahua or a Pomeranian, as her skin was red, inflamed, and cracking. |She screamed every time she was touched. We rushed her to the vet and found she was demadectic, allergic to food coloring and fleas.
I felt for her and brought her home with me for one-on-one TLC. After a week or so of loads of love and being with me 90 % of the time riding to school and work, her personality started to come out. I would sing in the car and she started to sing with me, happy go lucky and friendly to everyone she met.
After 6 months she finally grew in her hair, and loved to prance around in outfits. I put her up for adoption but even though she was only 7 lbs, she climbed a 6 foot fence to come find me. Every time I left home I had to make sure she was indoors, or take her with me, because she didn't want to be left again.
She helped me with many rescues, those who had been abused. She helped them understand that I was just there to help. And when we had fund raisers, or adoptathons she was out there in her outfits getting people's attention.
Allie was up with me the nights I had 30 puppies to feed, sick dogs to make sure had IV´s, puppies with heart problems, or older dogs that had been thrown in the shelter and were giving up on living.
Allie helped dogs that had been abused, with broken bones, or any dog that needed extra help; she was always there. She was with me when I cryed because of one of the rescues passing in my arms, or in pain from my own illness. She was my best friend and psychologist when I was stressed. Allie Woo-Woo made me laugh by chasing lizards or acting like a goof with her stuffed animals.
I felt for her and brought her home with me for one-on-one TLC. After a week or so of loads of love and being with me 90 % of the time riding to school and work, her personality started to come out. I would sing in the car and she started to sing with me, happy go lucky and friendly to everyone she met.
After 6 months she finally grew in her hair, and loved to prance around in outfits. I put her up for adoption but even though she was only 7 lbs, she climbed a 6 foot fence to come find me. Every time I left home I had to make sure she was indoors, or take her with me, because she didn't want to be left again.
So she adopted me.
She helped me with many rescues, those who had been abused. She helped them understand that I was just there to help. And when we had fund raisers, or adoptathons she was out there in her outfits getting people's attention.
Allie was up with me the nights I had 30 puppies to feed, sick dogs to make sure had IV´s, puppies with heart problems, or older dogs that had been thrown in the shelter and were giving up on living.
Allie helped dogs that had been abused, with broken bones, or any dog that needed extra help; she was always there. She was with me when I cryed because of one of the rescues passing in my arms, or in pain from my own illness. She was my best friend and psychologist when I was stressed. Allie Woo-Woo made me laugh by chasing lizards or acting like a goof with her stuffed animals.
In June of 2009 I was moving to The Netherlands. I got her all ready with a plane ticket, medication, and goodies. Two days before the flight, we sat out in the front yard playing in the pool, and she heard something in the woods and took off. Within seconds she was screaming and came back to me with half her back gone and a punctured lung. It killed me to rush her to the vet only to let her go.
They didn't even let me be in the room with her because I was to upset. For 4 years that little girl lit up my life. I still hear her singing. I tell people she's singing with the angels now. Out of 3000 rescues I helped, they all touched my heart, but Allie Woo-Woo is the main one who still holds my heart and soul strings.
Every one loves a heart warming story, even Oliver. He's got comments about Allie Woo woo over at 5 Minutes for Fido. Do you have one to tell about your rescued dog? I'd like to read it. Send it to me with your pup's photo at LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com.
Want to read more stories? Check out the Rescuing Rover Archives, or try one of these:
They didn't even let me be in the room with her because I was to upset. For 4 years that little girl lit up my life. I still hear her singing. I tell people she's singing with the angels now. Out of 3000 rescues I helped, they all touched my heart, but Allie Woo-Woo is the main one who still holds my heart and soul strings.
Every one loves a heart warming story, even Oliver. He's got comments about Allie Woo woo over at 5 Minutes for Fido. Do you have one to tell about your rescued dog? I'd like to read it. Send it to me with your pup's photo at LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com.
Want to read more stories? Check out the Rescuing Rover Archives, or try one of these:
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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Patti said...
What a special little dog...I am so sorry for her mom for losing her in such a horrible way....
Carrie, with Tanner and Oliver said...
Niki is a wonderful lady that had worked in no-kill shelters and rescues for many years. She feels fortunate to have been able to help. We need more people like her.
Anita said...
If my illness wouldnt keep me from it I would keep rescuing.. I miss allie so much.. I had many touch my heart but she touched it even more.. THANK YOU for posting
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