(c) Carrie Boyko
Time to Empty the Trash, Tanner
These days, every family member needs to earn their keep. In my family, all the kids did chores when they were home. We've decided that the dogs should be no different. But what can my dogs do? Here's a list I came up with:
Digging holes for plants
Retrieving the newspaper from the driveway
Putting toys away (Sure! They can learn)
Waking up children for school (don't forget face washing too)
Rinsing dishes for the dishwasher
Teaching you to throw a Frisbee; it takes practice!
Warming up your spot on the bed
Writing a blog (my dogs are my inspiration)
Clean up the floor after dinner
Alerting you to people on your property, or to intruders
Swimming races with the kids
Tire the kids out with a fetch game
"Lookout" at the front of your boat
Keep you company on errands such as the bank drive through, pet supply store, drive through pharmacy, etc.
Lest we forget they are first and foremost our workout partners. And thank goodness for that.
Here's my challenge to you today. I'd like to hear from you on these and any other 'chores' your dog does. Does he herd the chicken to the coop at night or listen to your kids read their book aloud? One reader recently shared how her dog helped their foster dogs adjust to their new lives. Whatever their job, it is important that they have one. I'd like to hear your stories. Oh, and please send photos if you have them. I'd like to publish some of the better examples of what dogs do to "earn their keep."
Clean up the floor after dinner
Alerting you to people on your property, or to intruders
Swimming races with the kids
Tire the kids out with a fetch game
"Lookout" at the front of your boat
Keep you company on errands such as the bank drive through, pet supply store, drive through pharmacy, etc.
Lest we forget they are first and foremost our workout partners. And thank goodness for that.
Here's my challenge to you today. I'd like to hear from you on these and any other 'chores' your dog does. Does he herd the chicken to the coop at night or listen to your kids read their book aloud? One reader recently shared how her dog helped their foster dogs adjust to their new lives. Whatever their job, it is important that they have one. I'd like to hear your stories. Oh, and please send photos if you have them. I'd like to publish some of the better examples of what dogs do to "earn their keep."
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© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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Nature by Dawn said...
Sephi and Maya's job is to make me laugh and keep me happy. Whenever I am sad or upset, leave it to Sephi and/or Maya to do something silly and put a smile on my face!
BZ Dogs said...
For kicks I taught Zachary to unload the drier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CuWZT98o3U
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