(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2010
Tanner's Way of Requesting Porch Time
Tanner's Way of Requesting Porch Time
Tanner, my goofy, lovable Golden Retriever, has a few quirky behaviors. He's a master of Houdini-style escapes from all manner of containment. However, when he cannot open a door (i.e. the old fashioned round doorknob seen here), he has a habit of staring it down, or simply looking outside, as if OUTSIDE will come to him, if he waits long enough. When he concentrates like this, he looks like a statue.
I've found him staring down an outside doorknob, after wondering when he would bark to come back inside from a potty run. He just doesn't do that--bark to get my attention. Strange, huh?
Yesterday, he was outside on the porch playing with pool toys when he decided he needed a fetch partner. His approach was to stand at the door and stare inside. Who knows how long he was standing there before I discovered him. Even though he had other options, what he really wanted was ME. As soon as I caught sight of him, his ears perked up and he did a little "I'm happy to see you too" maneuver. What was I to do, but play Fetch.
It's great training time for us, as we get to do this alone. We practice sit, stay, leave it, take it, fetch and swim--all commands he knows and loves. Perhaps this summer we'll work on Jump!
Oliver watches from inside, while Xena keeps her distance. These days she's the typical old lady in the pool,
"Don't splash me and get my hair wet,
you adolescent, you!"
Have you got a lovable doggie story you would like to share? My forum is open to guest posts. You can reach me at LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com. Tell me your dog's tale.........Meanwhile, I'll get to work on trying to elicit a bark that says, "Come on, door. Open!"
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved
Dog Signs said...
This is a nice blog. The article about Tanner is so much interesting. I also own a dog and he often went out to go around the village.
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