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Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET
Max Can't Wait
to Meet our New Trainer!
(c) photo copyright on file, all rights reserved
This place is certainly a whirlwind of activity right now. I'm getting offers to place ads, litters of puppies that need homes, guest post offers and lots of folks looking for promo on my dog-friendly site. My loyalty, however, is to you guys--my readers. I have not forgotten that you asked, in my poll last summer, for an ASK THE TRAINER column.
Pardon my delay, but please understand that Oliver and I have been busy sniffing out the right trainer to suit our family-friendly focus.
I'll have more to say in an upcoming post, but for now, I just want you to know that this plan is in the 'hopper'. Robby, our family's rabbit, helped just a little with that last comment. He's such a ham!
What will you love about our new trainer? She has a delightful approach. No stiff rules about what a dog can or cannot do at your home. Her philosophy is that YOU, and only you, should make the decision whether Rover sleeps on the couch, the floor, your bed, his own bed, or in a crate--at least once he is fully house trained and well-behaved.
Keep an eye out for your new trainer's introduction. I'll be publishing it very soon. Meanwhile, start jotting down your trainer questions. I know you will have a few, as I have received emails from a good many of you with questions about training. It is a great feeling to know that now your answers will come from someone with proper credentials. Happy tails!

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Anonymous said...
Name! Name! What is her name?!
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