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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do Dogs Experience Peer Pressure?


(c) copyright Carrie Boyko 2009


This Dog Park Buddy Shows
 No Signs of Peer Pressure

Today's visit to the dog park brought up a question in my mind. I've never heard this discussed by Cesar Millan or any other dog expert, so I'm tossing YOU a bone. What do you think about this: Do dogs experience peer pressure?

When Tanner peed with his leg up today, right in front of a large group of dogs, I had to wonder out loud if this had something to do with the pack mentality and peer pressure. You see, Tanner was "raised" by an older, female Retriever mix. Xena, my almost 13 year old girl taught Tanner by example, to pee by squatting.

Tanner has always squatted like a girl. Now, after 2 years of dog parking, he has begun to occasionally show off his manhood by using the boy's method, i.e. one leg up.

I find this fascinating and have to assume the he does this at the dog park because the gang is "watching." After all, he doesn't do it that way at home. NEVER!

This curious development begs a question. Should I discourage Tanner from lifting his leg? It appears to be a male habit among most dogs. Tanner has not learned the art of "marking", so I'm thinking he just wants to behave like one of the guys, when the guys are around. Any thoughts? 

So, here's your chance to test out my comment link at the bottom of the post. I'd love to hear from you. Perhaps I should make this a poll.  Hmmm....good idea. Check the sidebar.

Finally, Join me Friday for our first post from our new ASK THE VET columnist, Dr. Jacki. If you have questions for Dr. Jacki, we would love to hear from you. Send your questions to .

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