Thanks to Dogtime, Obama's dog has his own blog. Bo's Blog will help you keep tabs on this growing pup and his famous family. From my perspective, perhaps Bo will become a bit more famous that his family....who knows?
I haven't searched, but I'm relatively certain that Bo will have more than one blog--many of which will not be official. After all, the CIA isn't likely to be watching out for multiple photos of Bo showing up on webpages...do ya think?!! Hmmm? Maybe I better be careful. Do I look like a terrorist? Perhaps if I put on a Hawaian lei, like Bo?
Have a great day. Check in tomorrow for more bow wow fun and games. Woof!
Katie C. said...
They should feed him Wet Noses Organic doggie treats ;)
Bo's Blog said...
Thanks for stopping in on my blog! :-)
keep dogs said...
this is really cute dog. It seemed train very well, as katie says "feed him wet organics doggie TREAT" two thums up for you. n_n
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