Xena Does Her
Pamela Anderson Imitation
The lifeguard is on duty, so let the swimming commence. Oliver is back in the pool now also, although not nearly as often as Tanner.

© photo copyright Carrie Boyko
Oliver Looks Like a Fox in the Pool!
Tanner would spend his days there, waterlogged and wrinkled, if I let him. I probably should have named him Fetch.
Tanner Fetches Yellow
One reader asked if Xena swims. Here is a photo of her and Tanner sharing a float. While Xena's swimming is much like the old lady who doesn't want to be splashed, she does enjoy the occasional dip. Particularly if Tanner isn't around splashing like a little child.

Tanner and Xena Share the Float
Every summer a few fetch toys must perish. Tanner's enthusiasm for playing with them takes its toll. When a local pet store recently succumbed to the economic down turn, I hit the jackpot and bought him 3 new fetch toys. You'll be seeing them in future summer posts. Each toy has a different name, and Tanner can fetch the correct one if more than one is tossed into the pool. And they say dogs are not smart!!
Last year's favorite toy, "Yellow", died a long, slow death by loss of its furry skin. No matter, for Tanner is happy to fetch most anything that floats and can be retrieved to the pool deck for another toss.
Last year's favorite toy, "Yellow", died a long, slow death by loss of its furry skin. No matter, for Tanner is happy to fetch most anything that floats and can be retrieved to the pool deck for another toss.
Tanner's Favorite Yellow Fetch Toy
Fetch anyone?
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