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Friday, April 17, 2009

First Alert Xena, our Weather Forecasting Dog

It's raining outside right now. Rain, rain, glorious rain. You know, that fresh smelling Spring rain that leaves the world seemingly pure afterwards. Sort of like a bath in spring. Fresh!

I'm sitting in my office watching the rain barrel fill and say thank you to mother Earth for this gift. In the past week, we have had several rains, with this being the most significant. Xena, the thunderstorm weather girl, is sleeping peacefully at my feet. She is better than any weather man around. If she isn't disturbed by this downpour, then I know we're not in for a thunderstorm, just rain. Aren't animals amazing?

Even if there were thunder 10 or 20 miles away, she would be pacing nervously, letting me know that danger was about. Two days ago, when a violent storm ripped through our area, it was Xena who alerted me to the upcoming threat BEFORE my weather alert radio. Clearly she is a better weather forecaster than the National Weather Service.

Although sometimes her nervous antics during a storm can be problematic, I'm actually glad to have her around when a fast moving storm is coming toward us. She is the early alert--the one I get before the weather alert radio. I guess I should nickname her First Alert Xena.

This morning, we are so clear of thunder in the area, that she even asked to go outside DURING the rain. That's about as good an all-clear sign as any umpire could give at a ball game, when it is safe to play again.

The fun came when she was back inside, dripping wet. We have this game called "Dry the Doggy", which she loves. It's great to make grooming matters a game with our pups, so they can find enjoyment in this necessary activity.

I count myself as lucky when I look at my dogs and realize that Xena's weather nerves are our only "issue". Cesar Millan would probably have a cure, but I rather like having a weather forecaster in the family, especially one that is so accurate. Thanks, Xena. You get the Weather Forecaster's Award for best accuracy.

I suppose I should get her an award. Traditionally we humans would give a plaque or a trophy, but I could get her a rain coat. What do you think?


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